Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Time is ticking

"Idiot! How did this all happened?!"

Meanwhile at the scientific facility located in the woods, a man is throwing a fit of rage as chairs and tables are flying making his office a mess. He storms off into his own private elevator that leads directly into a sub floor where almost no one knows except for him and a team of scientists he calls, Twelve Kizuki. The elevator dinged and he furiously went out of it and push two doors wide open.

"Where are we at right now?!" He yelled

"A-ah, sir! We're still trying to fix some broken parts." One of the scientists whimpers in fear

"And why does that taking so damn long?!"

"W-we, um. Still-"

"We're still waiting for Kokushibo-dono to deliver the required part." Douma came into view hoping to relieve the situation

"And where is he?" Muzan is losing his temper

"Still not here. Seemed like it was taking him longer than usual."

"I don't care if he's late or early, get the machine going already!"

"Please excuse me, sir." A man interject. "I believed we have fixed it."

"We're missing a crucial piece Akaza-dono-" Douma was cut off

"Your crucial piece is easily obtainable inside your damn phone dumbass." Haku- Akaza cruelly said

"Well? What are we standing here for?! Get it running!"

"Will do sir. Hantengu, flip the switch." He orders

"H-hai!" The fearful man, Hantengu did just that

"Bring in the next group of volunteers please."

Within minutes of the machine whirring up to life, a group of volunteers had been brought into the chamber. This is the first time they brought more than one people into the chamber. Muzan watches as his scientists is scrambling around to get the sequence correct. Then finally, it was showtime.

"Raise the volume."


With all ten fingers, Akaza pushes all sliders up to the max and so far the volunteers don't look like they have noticed or bothered by it. At one moment they were looking around confuse, the next moment they're in a state of catatonic. They froze in place with their pupils reduced to nothing but white and a small dot. Muzan smiles upon seeing this result and picked up the microphone on the control panel.

"Ready for your order sir." Douma announced


The moment he commanded them to sit, just like a dog they obeyed and sat down. He gave more commands like walk, stand, speak and they obeyed every single one of those commands. His smile is getting wider and wider as the scientists are seeing what should be considered as a fiction.

"It worked. Months of research had finally paid off in the end." Douma said in tears

"Of course it would work, after all it was the brain child of lord Muzan himself." Akaza said confidently

"Now I can command them to do whatever I want. No matter how violent it is." He leans into the microphone. "Now your next order is,"

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