Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Red Agent

"Agent Red Sun! Wait!"

In the hallway where agents would go around doing their own errands, one figure is seen chasing after another. Tanjiro is not taking any of this shite and will do the mission by himself even if it means he's getting terminated right after. That's when his shoulder was tugged back causing him to stop.

"Agent, please listen to what I have to say." The female is catching her breath

"I got replaced for the mission. It's fine really. I will make sure to not get in your way." Tanjiro harshly shakes her hands off

"You're not replaced agent. I was assigned to assist you on this mission." She clears the air

"You mean, I'm still in it?" Tanjiro blinked his eyes twice

"Yes, and I'm your partner. Lets start over shall we?" She clears her throat

"Agent Blue Light, Miyu Sasaki. Nice to meet you."

"Ah, yes. Agent Red Sun, Takagi Kenshin." Tanjiro uses his alias

"You seemed a little off. Want to talk about it?" Miyu asked

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you insists on being in this mission?" She asked again

"That's none of your business." He looks forward. "I need some time. I will call you when I'm ready."

"Aye partner. Will be waiting for you."

Tanjiro continues to walk down along the corridor until he reached the locker room. There, agents who have been certified will have their own assigned locker for change of clothing and etcetera. He walks towards his and unlocks it with his passwords. Inside was a new black suit replacing the one that had been destroyed. On the door was a picture of a man who looks almost similar to himself.

'Father, I will find you.'

He change out of the infirmary clothing and suit up. After locking the door, he walks out of the room and eventually he reached into the elevator serving as the entrance and exits of the whole agency. As soon as the door closes, he put his hand into his suit and pulled out a fresh pair of spy glasses. The moment he puts them on, it scans his retinal features for identification.


"Merlin." He simply said

"Hai, agent- Oh, it's you. Feeling well already?" Murata picks up

"No time to explain. I need the recordings from the visit." Tanjiro requested

"If you're thinking of planning out the layout, I have a schematic here ready for you." Murata replied

"Send it."

As soon as he had said that, multiple pictures of plans and schematic popped up inside his vision. He moves his hands to control and separate the holographic panel so he could sort it out and get it organized.

"This is perfect Merlin-san. Thank you for your service."

"What are you planning agent?" Murata got curious

"I will tell you later, but for now keep this between us."

Then a ding from the elevator signified that he's arrived at ground level. It opened up into the other elevator before opening up to the lobby. He briskly walked out of the building and continue to walk until he reaches The Tokyo Subway station. He went underground and sat in one of the benches.

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