Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: The gears has turned

"Remember your training."

What? Who's voice is that?

"Come on, stand up."

I'm on the ground, surrounded by nothing. I see nothing but a bright light. I can't smell anything. Is this, am I dead? I can't talk but I can feel my right hand touching some grass. I stood up and looked down, my whole body is covered in some sort of haze. Only the upper part of my head and my right arm are visible. In front of me, I see someone. A figure but I couldn't see him clearly.

"You've been hard at training. It's about time for you to take a break." The male spoke

I felt like I should recognise that voice, but that wasn't Tou san. His long red hair reminds me of him but that wasn't him. It's someone else- He wears the same hanafuda earrings as I do. Who is this?

"Still too tired to talk? It's fine, rest." The man spoke. "This world, the people, they don't need to know."

"They may have started wars that shedded bloods of many fallen soldiers, but at last we're still human. We aren't that perfect."

"That's why I created this agency. To recruit the few who can prevent any future threat. Someone such as you, Sumiyoshi."

His words, it sounded do calm. To leave such a message, this man no doubt, is the founder. Before I can even reach for his hand, my vision went black once more. This time, I wake up back into reality.



"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey."

Inside a room with four grey walls, Tanjiro slowly opens up his eyes as he's regaining all five of his sense. Immediately, he tried to move but quickly discovers that his hands was shackled to the metal chair he sat in. He struggles to free himself from the metal cuffs but to no avail as it requires a special key which is held by the man in front of him. He didn't even noticed his presence when he first woke up, but when he did his face frowns deeply.

"Not bad, took you only a few hours to wake up." The man smiles


"You're not gonna talk eh? Fine, suits yourself."

'If I don't talk I won't leak out any information about the agency.'

"You're probably keeping shut about the agency you're working for right?" He turns around. "Well it doesn't matter, cause I already know."

With a snap of his fingers, suddenly the walls lit up showing images of two very different buildings. One of them Tanjiro recognises very well whilst the other he doesn't know very much. Muzan looked at his reaction in amusement knowing he had hit the mark spot on. When the final screen finally lit up, it shows a map of Japan and red dots scattered around the country. When he sees it, he saw one particular dot that really caught his attention.

'My family.' He instantly thought

"Not only that I knew of the whereabouts of your agency, but also where their agents and families lived at. I bet that one of those dots looked familiar to you." Muzan smirked

"No, don't you dare!" Tanjiro suddenly shouted

"I wonder what will happen to them once I press this button? Whoopsie." Muzan falsely slip almost pressing the button

Life Or DeathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang