Instead of getting a clear reply from the boy, she noticed fresh drops of what seemed to be water and more trembling noises coming from him.

"Hm...What is it now?" She sighed, annoyed with how he dodged the question. "You're starting to sound more irritating than entertaining."

"I..." Finn held himself up by the hands as much as he could and lowered his head, shutting his eyes tight so no more tears could flow. "I-I don't want to die."

Ryoko paused, pondering his suggestion. "My...Now what is this..." she shook her head.

"I...I don't want to die! Please..." he continued pleading despite her reply. "I...I want to live and-"

"It's quite ironic, don't you think?" Ryoko asked him.


"Someone who used to have no resolve or care for life. Someone who didn't even have a reason to holds the power over someone who holds life in such high regard. Someone who really cherished every second...Now, do you see how it's ironic?" She explained.


"Besides." Ryoko forcefully grabbed a chunk of his hair, digging her nails into his scalp with a blank expression, her eyes piercing into his own. "It's a bit too late to be pleading, don't you think? And I'm getting a bit tired of hearing your whimpers anyway...So how about we end things here?"

"N-No...! Please-"

Before Finn could even finish his sentence, Ryoko slammed his face into the table. However, this time she didn't stop. She kept going, hitting again and again until Finn's face was something more than a bloody mess and his body ceased to move. And the whole time, her empty expression did not change one bit.

Ryoko began to pant heavily and took a step back. Then, she finally smiled once again when she admired her work of the now presumed dead boy.

She then looked down at her bloody hands. "Looks like my job is done. And what a fun job it was...All I need now is a change of gloves."

Ryoko was about to stroll away before she remembered the capsule of pills in her pocket. Taking them out and examining them, she then looked back at Finn.

"However...Maybe I could add some finishing touches." She smirked, returning back to the body, medicine in hand.



The sailor awoke, surges of pain echoing throughout her body. Her leg and torso had been damaged while her whole body was covered in scratching and bruising.

Overall, she knew it was not a pretty way to go out.

When Kairi gradually opened her eyes, she was momentarily shocked. Seeing the blue skies and sea that she had seen in her last few seconds alive to now seeing...a dimly lit void.

As she slowly and weakly stood up, Kairi became even more confused as she heard...talking?

She raised her head to see familiar figures in the distance. Two appeared to be bickering while another tried to mediate the situation. The others just watched, with one sitting away from them alone but quickly stopped once they caught someone breaking away and approaching Kairi.

The figure who was mediating the situation began to panic and chase after him.

"Aki...P-Please wait! Let us at least explain things to her before you get mad!" They said.

Once Kairi heard the name and the voice, she realised why they were so familiar.

The figures were her dead friends, with Akihiro quickly approaching her and Akemi scrambling behind him.

Danganronpa Midnight: Lantern Lament (Fanganronpa)Where stories live. Discover now