Spiders & Crouch-the Third Task (Part Two)

Start from the beginning


Fleur drove her elbow into the beast's chest as it snapped its jaws an inch from her face. She had been fighting with this overgrown crab for what felt like hours. She had found out it was fireproof so she tried a more hands on approach. It seemed she would have to lose her temper. Veela were very temperamental creatures. They were possessive and downright cruel. Her grandmère had once driven an injured Veela off her property because she couldn't stand the scent of her. Fleur felt her bones shift as her jaw elongated into a bird's beak. Her back cracked as thick leathery wings burst out. She gave a high screech and dove her break forward into the crabs shell. It cracked and tried to scuttle backwards. She grabbed its leg and pulled it towards her. Good thing she liked shellfish! She drove her beak into the same spot until she reached the tender flesh underneath. Using her hands she started tearing out chunks and chewing happily. She heard clicking and saw a spider turn the corner. Once it saw her, it froze before apologizing profusely and scrambling away. The weird crab had stopped twitching at this point and she let out a victory scream that echoed throughout the maze. Wiping her hands on the grass, she broke off one of its legs to give to Ron. She attached it to her back before letting her features shift back. She rubbed her jaw and spat out a piece of bone. Merlin, she hadn't lost control like that in ages. Thank goodness, no one was here to see it. She cracked her back and started walking. It felt like ages before she came upon two of the boys. Cedric and Viktor were suspended in a golden mist. It looked like Cedric had already thrown up and Viktor looked like he wasn't far behind him.
"Hello, boys! I see you're just hanging around." She joked and Cedric mimicked strangling himself.
"Hello, Fleur! You've got something on your face." Viktor said and she wiped off the leftover mutant crab.
"So why are you just standing there?" They were hovering a foot off the ground but she didn't see any reason as to why they didn't just keep walking.
"Uh because we're hanging upside down? Duh." Cedric said in irritation and she was tempted to just leave them. She took a deep breath and said, "What would Harry do?" She stomped forward and shouted "You're standing straight up. It must be some kind of mind altering mist!" They gave her a doubtful look and she walked into it. Instantly she was looking at the night sky.
"Alright, what we're going to do is walk forward." She told them and Viktor gave a wheeze.
"Fleur, we're going to walk right into a dark pit." He wailed and she shoved him forward. She did not have time for their dramatics. Ron was waiting for her and her crab leg was already starting to smell. They hit the black hole and she pushed the two boys in before following them. They hit the ground with a thud and she rolled over to see the mist disappearing.
"Thank Merlin, you showed up Fleur. I was about to start crying." Cedric admitted and she patted his back.
"It's okay. This maze has been awful. Remind me to sue someone once this is over." Viktor nodded his head seriously.
"I will join you." They finally made it to the heart of the maze and found Harry waiting for them.
"Harry! You're okay!" They all cried out before hugging the younger boy.
"Hi guys! I found a shortcut!" Fleur was happy he didn't seem injured. She did notice his eyes were swollen, like he had been crying. She would set fire to whoever made her poor brother cry.


"So what should we do?" Cedric asked and they all turned to look at the cup. Harry had already been here for half an hour.
"Don't touch the cup!" He said sharply. He could see tendrils of magic on it and he did not like how they looked.
"It's been tampered with." They all looked horrified.
"Who would do such a thing?" Harry shook his head.
"I don't know but we're going to find out. I figured if we just wait here, they should come get us eventually. Good thing I brought my bag!" He held it up proudly. He started pulling out blankets and handing them out. Kreature had packed him a basket of food too.
"Harry, have I ever told you I love you?" Viktor said around a bite of his sandwich.
"Don't say it too loud! Draco will appear and drag you to the Swamp!" Cedric said as he guzzled down water. They all looked rather run down so Harry dung around until he found his emergency clothes kit.
"Here ya go!" The other Champions were now sporting sweaters with various animals on it.
"I wonder where the cup goes?" Harry was curious too but Draco would not be happy if he put himself in danger.
"That's for Madame Bones to figure out." Cedric said firmly.
"Do you guys hear shouting?" Fleur asked and they were silent for a moment.
"Harry, I think it's coming from your bag." Harry held his bag up to his ear and listened carefully.
"Harry, my love! Can you hear me?" He dug around until he felt a handle and pulled out the two-way mirror Sirius had gotten him for Yule a couple of years ago. He turned it to face him and saw Draco's worried face.
"Hi Draco!" His husband froze before looking over him carefully.
"Harry, why have you been crying?" He said slowly and the mirror was ripped out of his hands.
"Harry, my sweet son! Tell Daddy who made you cry! I will peel off their fingernails!" Daddy Malfoy had the mirror angled so it showed them the inside of his nose.
"Daddy Malfoy, you have to hold the mirror away from your face." There was some rustling and they suddenly saw his ear.
"Like this, dear?" Harry giggled and said "No! Now you're showing us your ear!" There was a tussle in the background and Draco appeared.
"Merlin, Father! If you can't figure it out, hand it over. You're like an old man." He complained before focusing on him.
"Now my beloved, tell me what happened." Harry explained what was going on before looking at him expectantly.
"And why were you crying?" He wrung his hands before admitting "I ran into a boggart and it really hurt my feelings."
"A boggart." Draco muttered.
He heard Remy shout, "I'll get it" and the sound of his footsteps fading.
"But you're all safe?" He nodded his head and Draco sagged before him.
"I was so worried when you didn't shoot off any sparks. It's suspicious that you weren't able to. Hold on, my love. We're getting Madame Bones now." The mirror suddenly cut out and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"Well look what we have here!" A deep voice said from behind him.


Draco felt his heart stop when the mirror went blank. He shook it and shouted "Harry? Harry?" His heart was thudding in his chest as he flew down the bleachers.
"Mr. Malfoy, what are you doing?" Professor McGonagall gasped as he ran across the lawn.
"Harry's in danger! He needs me."
"You can't interfere in the Task."Karkaroff stated and Draco flipped him off before entering the maze. He didn't care about the stupid Tournament! Harry was in trouble. He ran around the corner and saw a giant slug. He unsheathed his Drarry knife and ran it along its side. He didn't wait to see if it was dead before continuing on. He ran deeper into the maze before he was stopped by a Sphinx.
"Hello challenger! You either answer correctly or you die." She said coldly. He looked around before saying "My husband is in trouble! Where is the center of the maze?" She opened her mouth before looking at him closely.
"Are you Harry's beloved?" She asked and he swiftly nodded.
"Yes! Harry's in danger!" She lowered her front paws before saying "Get on! I would never allow a human to mount me before but Harry is a friend!" He got on her back and held on tightly as she started running through the hedges. It seemed like eternity before they reached the center of the maze. They found all of the Champions in a circle playing Uno while Harry sat on a tied-up man.
"Draco! What are you doing here? Oh you've met Cleo! Hi Cleo." Harry waved at the Sphinx and Draco tackled him to the ground.
"Are you hurt, darling? Be honest!" He looked him over and didn't see any bloody wounds.
"I'm fine! Mr. Crouch is a terrible bad guy." He announced and Draco looked closer at their prisoner.
"Barty Crouch Jr? You died!" The young man glared at him.
"Turns out his dad was keeping him prisoner in their house! Poor thing has been trying to bring that Dark Lord person back." Harry reached down to poke his cheek and ignored the way the man tried to bite his fingers off.
"So he put your name in the Goblet?" Draco asked and Harry shook his head.
"He's been stuck by his dad's side this whole time. We are surrounded by enemies." Harry said gravely before giggling.
"I thought that would sound cool!" Draco held his darling closer.
"I'm so happy you're safe, my love." He kissed his cheek and watched Harry blush.
"Why hasn't anyone tried to take the cup?" He asked curiously and Fleur shook her head.
"Harry said it's been tampered with. We confirmed it wasn't Mr. Crouch who did it." He hummed in thought.
"I still think it was Dumbledore." He announced and Harry nodded his head.
"Me too. That old man has it out for me." Barty Crouch gave a cough.
"I suppose I can't convince you to let me go? I could try finding a different way to bring my Lord back without using the boy." Draco kicked him in the stomach.
"The Dark Lord is never coming back. His very existence is a threat to my sweet boyfriend. I will not stand for anything to threaten him." He hissed and watched Barty flinch.
"I'm guessing you're Cissy's boy?" He ignored the annoying man as they waited for the adults to finally show up.
"Harry!" His Uncle shouted as he ran through the Sphinx shaped hole with Lord Black on his heels.
They both gaped at Barty before stunning him.
"Let's get you all out of here." Draco waited until Madame Bones came striding in before telling her his suspicions. She discreetly pocketed the cup before nodding at him.
"We will be getting answers, Mr. Malfoy."

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