Bondings & The Pit-Harry Wants to Have More Children Than The Weasley's

Start from the beginning


Draco couldn't take his eye off of Harry. Walking down the aisle with him had felt like a dream. He actually dreamed about it often so he had to pinch himself to make sure it was real. Severus was spinning Harry around and he looked stunning as he laughed. He was worried about the final task. After Luna's revelation, Draco was positive that the Headmaster put Harry's name in the Goblet. He didn't understand the old man's motives. The Dark Lord was dead, why go through all of this trouble? He knew his Father's mark had faded the night the Dark Lord died and hadn't changed since. Madame Bones was on the case but she still didn't have any clues. Draco wanted to shake the Headmaster for answers. An idea was forming in his mind. Perhaps he could- Harry grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor.
"Draco, stop sulking in the corner! Dance with me." Harry's eyes were glittering underneath the lights and he was happy to oblige. He kissed the back of Harry's hand and they danced the night away. It was midnight and Harry could barely keep his eyes open. He had him jump on his back as they waved goodbye to everyone. He slowly made his way to the castle. Lord Black had insisted on having the ceremony in the Forbidden Forest. Something about it having fond memories for the Mauraders, whatever that meant. Remus had to blow his nose after the announcement.
"I can't wait until we get married." Harry yawned in his ear. He smiled at him over his shoulder.
"Me either. It will be the happiest day of my life." Harry paused before looking at him.
"I think we should have ten kids." He tripped over his feet and managed to catch himself before they could hit the ground. Ten children? They might as well start their own Quidditch team!
"Well I wish I had siblings. I've always wanted a big family. I used to daydream about it when I was locked in my cupboard" He would never deny his husband anything.
"As long as everyone is healthy, we'll have as many children as you want." He swore.


Harry watched from the Astronomy Tower as the Quidditch pitch was torn apart to build the maze for the third task. He wasn't sure how fun it would be to watch but he wasn't really given the option. He had a sinking feeling in his gut that he couldn't shake. Something was going to happen and he knew Dumbledore was behind it. Shaking his head, he walked to his common room. Tonks had told him they needed to talk.
"Wotcher Harry! You're just in time.' She patted his head before shoving a bag over it.
"Tonks, Draco will be furious if you kidnap me." He said seriously and she just laughed.
"Don't worry, Harry. I'm not crazy. I'm showing you a Hufflepuff secret." He couldn't tell where they were going but the air was getting colder. She finally yanked the bag off of his head and he looked around. They seemed to be in some sort of pit? She spread her arms and announced loudly "Welcome to the Hufflepuff Pit! Once you enter your third year, you get invited to join. We were going to bring you in sooner but Cedric was worried you already had too much on your plate. As your buddy, he had the final vote." Harry could hear grunts and walked closer. Two Hufflepuff boys were brawling in the middle of the ring. He realized one of them was Cedric! He swung his fist forward and knocked out the other boy's tooth. He lunged backwards and held out both hands in defeat.
"So basically this is just a place where everyone beats everyone up?" He asked and Tonks grinned.
"You've got the right idea, Harbear! It's how we settle our differences. Helga Hufflepuff started it and we honor her by keeping the tradition alive. It helps keep our Housemates from fighting each other and it's always good to know how to throw a punch." Harry supposed it made sense. It wasn't easy being known as the loser House. The Pit would help get all of their anger out while keeping the Professors out of their business.
"Why wait till third year?" Tonks had her eyes glued to Cedric as he stretched but still answered.
"Helga Hufflepuff won her first brawl at thirteen. She decided if she could do it, everyone in her House should have the option to do it too." Harry knew anyone who chose a badger as their mascot had to be badass.
"Harry! You're here" Cedric wiped his hands on his pants as he gave him a nervous look.
"Hello Cedric. Next time you make a decision for me, I will shave off your eyebrows." His buddy shivered and nodded his head.
"I understand." He didn't appreciate Cedric making choices for him but he would forgive him this one time.
"Alright, let's go." Both Hufflepuffs gave him a blank look before bursting out in laughter.
"Harry, I'm not going to fight you! I'd break you in half." Cedirc said kindly.
"Cedirc, my muggle cousin used to beat me up all the time. I'm pretty sure I can take you. Plus, it will make me feel better." Tonks already called over the rest of the Hufflepuffs loitering around and started taking bets.
"If Draco finds out, you better save me from him." Cedric said before joining him in the ring. He watched how he held himself before replying.
"You should be worrying about me, not Draco." He didn't understand why no one took him seriously. They always underestimated his magic too. He had grown three inches this year! Sure, he was still the shortest boy in his year but he was getting there!
"Alright, my fellow 'Puffs! We have our new arrival challenging our veteran fighter! Who will win?" Cedric charged forward and Harry darted out of the way. Cedric swung around and managed to grab his arm. Hary shifted his weight before launching the bigger boy over his shoulder. He didn't give him time to catch his breath before straddling his waist. He kept punching him before he was knocked back. Cedirc landed a couple of good hits before skipping backwards out of reach. Harry wiped the blood out of his eyes and watched him carefully. There! He drove his knee into the soft part of his thigh and watched Cedric crumble to the ground. He grabbed him by the hair and said "surrender?" Cedirc laughed before tapping out.
"Holy hell, Harry! That was brutal." Their prefect healed them up in no time and he snorted.
"I just pictured my cousin. I always wanted to punch Dudley but my Aunt would have murdered me." He felt the tension fade from his shoulders and sighed. Who knew beating the crap out of someone would help him feel better?
Later that night, he was cuddling with Draco when he heard a gasp.
"Harry! There's blood behind your ear." Sorry, Cedric he thought before explaining what happened.

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