Dragons & Giants-The First Task

Start from the beginning


Cedric bit his nails nervously. Harry had been following him for the last twenty minutes and he didn't know why. Why hadn't the other boy called out to him? If Draco found out, he would feed him to his pet inferi! It would be for the best. He was trying to convince himself he shouldn't run away. Sure, losing his magic would suck but Tonks had enough for both of them. She wouldn't care if he became a squib.
"Hi Cedric!" He gave a scream as Harry appeared in front of him. Holding his chest with one hand, he clutched the wall with the other.
"Merlin Harry, if you want to take me out of the games, just do it already!" Harry gave him a concerned look.
"Are you okay, Cedric? Tonks said you've been having a hard time." He snatched Snappy up and cuddled the crocodile as he tried to steady his breathing.
"I'm scared, Harry. I didn't think I'd be chosen and now I'm afraid I'm going to die!" He felt like a coward admitting his fears to Harry. The other boy was younger and hadn't even put his name in! He wasn't trembling at every loud noise. Harry took his hand and said "it's okay, Cedric. You have nothing to be ashamed of. It is scary! Don't worry, I won't let you get murdered and if you do, the Black family has a ritual to revive you. It just has to be within two days or you start to smell." Cedric felt himself relax slightly.
"You'd really revive me, Harry?" The younger boy grinned at him and said "of course! You're basically married to Draco's cousin and that makes us family. I always watch out for my family." He gently set Snappy down before crushing him into a hug.
"That definitely makes me feel better!" He wouldn't run away. If anything happened, Harry would bring him back. He was sure Tonks would love it if he was a zombie.
"Oh! The first task is dragons. That's what I was trying to tell you." His vision blurred and he collapsed in a heap. Dragons! He was a goner.


Draco burst into the tent. Ludo Bagman was attempting to make some grand announcements that he ignored. He focused on Harry and couldn't help his coo. The other Champions were wearing track suits but Harry had on a spandex jumpsuit with a quarter zip over the top half. It was green and silver with his last name emblazoned on the back. His hair was in two braided buns on top of his head with a green headband.
"Heir Malfoy! You can't just burst in here!" Bagman shouted and he gave him a nasty look.
"Keep your mouth shut, you imbecile. The goblins outside are looking for you." He informed the man and was pleased to see him pale before running in the opposite direction.
"Draco!" Harry launched himself into his arms and he stared tenderly into his eyes.
"Please be careful, darling. If you need anything, call out to me and I will come." He swore and Harry kissed him. Once they separated, he noticed the other Champions were staring at the ceiling.
"It will be fine, Draco! I've got it all figured out." Harry gave him a sly smile.
"If I win, do I get something special?" Viktor gave a snort and Draco flipped him off.
"If you come out safely, you can have whatever you want." Harry had a dangerous gleam in his eyes before he agreed happily.
"Go find a good seat, babe! I'm gonna kick some arse."
He clutched Lord Black's arm as they watched Fleur go first. She strode forward and started singing. Her voice was enchanting due to her Veela heritage. The students watched with bated breath as the Dragon yawned before laying her head down. Fleur snuck forward and grabbed the fake egg before holding it up. Draco noticed the dragon watching Fleur from her cracked eyelid. What was that? Cedric was next. He tried sneaking forward like Fleur but tripped. He stayed on the ground long enough for Draco to worry that he knocked himself out. He started slowly crawling towards his dragon before stopping a couple of feet away. The dragon shook her massive wings out before using her tail to tap her nest. Her tail accidentally nudged the fake egg and it rolled right into Cedric's arms. He held it up before staggering toward the nurse's tent.
"Is it just me or does it feel like the dragons are giving the fake egg up?" His Mother asked and Aunt Andy nodded.
"It's almost like they know this isn't real." Draco gave a gasp.
"How brilliant! Harry must have talked to them!" The HFC came running over and Neville announced "Harry planned this, didn't he?" No wonder his love hadn't been nervous! He knew they were facing dragons. He was curious as to when he would have found out.
"That little sneak. I promised I'd do anything if he came out of this safely." He said fondly and Herm snorted.
"I bet he wants to snog." Lord Black's hand squeezed tightly around his and he yanked it back.
"Oi! I'm just following Harry's orders." His Uncle sat between them before they could start fighting.
"Perhaps we could watch Krum?" Draco rubbed his hands together.
"Maybe he'll get burnt by dragon fire?" He could only hope! Krum came out of the tent and walked straight toward the female dragon. He stated loudly "Great Lady! You have an imposter in your nest. I would take it, if you will allow me?" The dragon sneezed and let Krum take the fake egg. The girls around the arena went wild as he bowed elegantly towards the dragon.
"Thank you, Mistress of the Sky! I hope your clutch brings you honor." He left and it was finally Harry's turn. His dragon was a Hungarian Horntail and she watched Harry approach. Draco held his breath as Harry hissed loudly before the dragon answered. He turned his back on her and took his wand out. Harry started making lines in the sand before Herm gave a shocked laugh.
"Is he drawing a tic tac toe board?" They all watched as Harry drew a circle in the corner before the Horntail shot a flame in the middle. Twenty minutes later, Harry was tied with the dragon. She gave a loud shriek before spitting out a flame to make three in a row. Harry bowed his head in defeat and reached into his pocket. He enlarged it to show a giant ham. The dragon kicked the fake egg toward him and chewed on the meat in satisfaction.
"Thank you for watching!" Harry casually threw the egg to the side before making eye contact with him.
"I have a boyfriend to snog!" The student body went wild with catcalls and whistles as Harry started climbing up the stands to him.
"Hello babe, time to pay up." His Uncle restrained Lord Black as Harry gave him a toe curling kiss. Merlin, he didn't know what he would reward his beloved with for the second task!

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