Chapter 49

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Alice's POV

i feel like shit. Long story short

No pov from me right now

Lokis POV

Alice feels like shit so I have to deal with it.
Thor won't leave his room.
Cala is a bitch.
Everyone's annoying me.
That's sums up my day.

Thors POV


Lokis POV

Go away I'm busy

Alice's POV

I get no peace I swear. Ughhh fine you can stay with me.

I guess you guys have been a constant in my life too.


I'm still, I don't want to say depressed but I'm feeling down about the the nick thing. Feels like I lost another dad. Kinda.

I just thought I could trust him. Shield. I thought I could trust shield.

All that and my baby's kinda dead

But yeah I knew she was gone when I was stabbed in my stomach really. It's a strange feeling of knowing and emptiness.

'Hey?' Arwen said popped her head in the crack of the door

'Hi' I said, sitting in bed

'Lady Cala wishes to see you'

I sighed and got out of bed, I was dressed in pj shorts and one of my dads old T-shirts. She'll hate seeing me like this but oh well.

'Do you know where Loki is?'

'No' she shook her head looking down

I went to walk past her but she stopped me



'I hope your okay. Thor told me what happened and I- I don't know what to say but I really hope your okay' she said quietly, looking into my eyes

'I'll be fine' I said with a small smile

Before I could go she pulled me into a hug

'I'm always here if you need to talk'

I hugged her back 'thank you' I whispered

After that I walked to Calas officey place.

'Hey' I said with my head down walking in

'I'm not even going to comment on what your wearing' she said looking at me wide eyed

'Good' I said sitting down

'Lokis in his office, you should see him' she smiled

'You called me here to tell me to go see Loki?'

'Yes' she smiled

'Ok then' I groaned getting up and leaving. Walking another forever to Lokis office

'What?' I said walking in seeing him at his desk

'Come sit' he said patting the desk

'I'm not in the mood Loki. I want to lay down. What do you want'

He smiled and walked over to me 'you look beautiful'

I couldn't help but blush 'shut up'

He cupped my cheek 'you know I love you, right?'

'I do'

'And you love me?'

'More than anything'

'Well then' he took a step back and smiled at me as he got down on one knee 'marry me. Be my queen'

'Loki' I breathed out seeing the ring

'Say yes' he whispered

'Yes!!!' I screamed and jumped on him

Catching me he held me up and kissed me

We stayed like that for a while before he put the ring on

'All your problems are going to disappear up here love. I promise' he whispered

'Did you say to Thor?'

'He told me to do it' he laughed

'Loki you don't understand how much you've brightened my day. No my week no my Month- year!! Just everythingggg!'

He laughed and squished me closed into him

A knocked on the door came

'It's me' Thor said behind it

Loki put me door as Thor walked in

But he wasn't alone

He had a baby

'What?' I said looking at him confused

He smiled 'when Alissa died, our baby did too. Butttt our baby's soul reincarnated, thanks to the gods. Alissa promised me to her. But couldn't tell me when I could get her. I was walking the backgrounds of Asgard to clear my head today when a woman was laying there on the floor with this child. The woman was badly injured, she was robbed. Unfortunately she passed. And I believe this to be me and Alissas. Look at her and tell me she's not. I prayed to the gods trying to speak with Alissa but they couldn't allow it, they told me I was right. This is my baby'

We stood there in silence

'I don't know what to say' I whispered

'Alice' he smiled 'hold your new niece. Hazel thordottir'

*-_3 weeks later _-*

Everything's going right.

Loki and I are planning our wedding

Thor has hazel who everyone adores

Calas started smoking weed so she's alottttttt more tolerable, which is also really funny

Gavans dealing with more things so Loki and I can spend more time together

I've started my queen training which isn't even bad

And I just love life right now.

Everything's going right and I couldn't be more happy

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now