Chapter 1

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Alice's POV

8 months later

'Spread me apart, lick me with your tongue, grab my sides and eat my cream-'

'Can you stop. I'm eating an Oreo. There's no need to give it a voice' Peter said glaring at me

Huffing I crossed my arms 'you know I'm gonna miss you when I leave'

'Yeah. Thanks for staying with me this week.'

'Someone had to babysit you while your hot aunt got laid'


'What. I told happy I'd stay with you so they could get down and dirtyyy' I sang

'This is discu-' he was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing

'Sorry two mins.'

'Hello, you have reached the voicemail of Alice stark, please do not leave a message at the beep. Thank you'

'Not funny. I get your annoyed at me but I am still your boss.' Fury said down the phone

'You sent me to an AiLeN crash sight but in all actuality it was a load of hobos who threw trash on me! So yes fury, I'm mad'

He laughed down the phone 'we were told it was an alien like disturbance' he said still laughing

'Yeah Hilarious, just because I'm the only person in shield who has properly dealt with off planet beings shouldn't make me an automatic pick to deal with it'

'Yeah coulson and I were joking saying you might get one to fall in love with you again' and this time I heard coulson laugh too

'Yeah yeah. Funny. Really funny. Make fun of my horrible love life.' I said slouching down grabbing the wine glass filled with chocolate milk beside me

After he finished laughing he finally spoke again 'I'm sorry' he breathed out 'can you come in tomorrow? We have a situation happening down in WestView'

'Ugh yeah sure. What time?'

'Say around 1 pm and we could have lunch after? You, Coulson and I'

'Yeah that's fine, I'll see you then' then he hung up

'What was that about?' Peter said walking in with half a slice of toast in his mouth

'Something to do with a town called west view'

'Aw. Okay then. Movie?'

'Catch' I threw the remote at him.

-_next morning_-

I woke up to the sound of the front door being swung open and hitting the wall. The sound of two suit cases hitting the floor and an out of breath happy.

Getting out of mays bed I rubbed the icky stuff out of my eyes and walked out to them

'Good morning' I yawned

'You have a meeting with fury at 1, why are you not ready?!' Happy said rushing over to me

'I still have time'

'It's 11:45. Get dressed!' He said then pushing me into mays rooms and shutting the door behind me.

Rummaging through the bag of clothes I brought I decided I would dress to impress. Tight burgundy dress I stole from Alissa and black blazer with black heels. Technically the blazers peters but he left it in here so therefore it's mine now.'

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now