Chapter 43

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Alice's POV

I was sat in the living room, it wasn't anything like the living rooms I'm used to but it did have a sense of home. Small and cosy.

'I sent the kids to Megan's house' my 'husband' said walking in

'Who's Megan?'

'Your sister' he sat down beside me 'any questions?'

'Your name? What is it?'

'Harry Downey'

I nodded my head '...this is all so weird'

'It'll come back to you soon enough' he smiled then taking my hand 'but I'm actually really interested in this whole superhero thing'

I smiled and looked at him 'what do you want to know'

'Everything' he laughed 'what organisations did you all work for?'

'I wouldn't count the avengers as an organisation to be honest but I worked for shield, avengers were a product of shield so I guess technically I've worked for shield since I wassss 16? I think that's when I started doing coding and stuff with them but then I became a trainee avenger around 19 and now I've been a full time agent for over a year'

'You mentioned someone called Thanos? You guys fought him?'

'Yeah outside avengers compound, was a mess'

'So, what about all the weapons and other equipment that was there, in the compound. Is it all destroyed?'

I frowned my brows 'majority of it yeah? It's fully cleaned up now since we had some people go and steal stuff'

'So where is it now? All the equipment?'

I turned my head and looked around the walls and in the mirror above the fire place

'Why are you asking me this Harry?' I said staring in the mirror

'I'm just curious' he squeezed my hand three times

'Shifting. How's that work?' I looked at him

'You usually use the raven method, that's all I know' he shrugged

I groaned and leaned back into the couch 'I don't know what to believe'

'Wait there' he got up and went over to a cabinet and pulled out a book then walked back over

'Alice and Harry

Our memories'

'Open it. Have a look' he said passing it to me

Opening it I seen photos of us together, on dates, laying with people on grass who I'm guessing is our friends, our wedding day, us with babies, loads of stuff.

Maybe this is genuine?


'I can't believe you don't remember' he said looking at me

'It um- uh might come back soon'

He sighed and took the book and put it back where it was

'Order a pizza and watch a movie?' He asked


'Ham and chicken, I know' he said walking out with a laugh


*a large pizza, many sides and 3 movies later*

'Exactly! He doesn't deserve her!' I laughed

'My point! Fuck him!'

'How stupid must someone be to-' his phone started ringing

'It's Megan. It's probably to come get the girls' he said then picking it up

'Yeah, be there now' he said then putting it down

'I'll be back within the hour' he smiled standing up

'I'm going to go to bed anyways'

'Sweet dreams' he shouted by the door

Once I heard the front door close I immediately went into the bedroom and looked for my phone, finding it sitting on the bed side table

Opening it I went through my search history

Raven method

Clicking into the video I did exactly what the girl said

I lay in a comfortable position, closed my eyes and counted with her

After what seemed like a tedious amount of time I opened my eyes again, giving up

Only I was in a black dark room

'Who... are you?'

Harry's POV

'Sir, it's going to plan. She's a lot more trusting that we thought' I said, finally able to speak my natural accent, German. 

Walking into the main office, seeing all the cameras of around the house turn on

'She did that Raven method, is it real? She can't get help from that?' The intern said

'Oh please, she's just sleeping. That's a load of shit I got off my sister' I said taking a seat

'She doesn't trust you yet Harry' the boss said, johann, his fake face on, noticeably since he isn't... well red

'Sir, she does-'

'Clearly the American doesn't! She's tried that shifting straight after you left. I don't care what you do, get me the information I want on shield!' He slammed his fist on the table

'Yes sir'

'Go get the children. Go back and complete your mission'

'Yes sir' I said standing up then before walking out said 'hail hydra'

Nazi cunt. Ofcourse I get stuck with the 'righteous' American


Rest in peace William Hurt <3

Rest in peace William Hurt <3

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