Chapter 39

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Alice's POV

'Good morning' was whispered in my ear

'5 more minutes' I whispered turning onto my stomach

'It's the festival today, everyone's going to be here tonight'

I yawned and turned around and seen thor looking down at me

'Where's Loki? I whispered

'He's sleeping beside you' he whispered sitting down at the edge of the bed

'So you wake the pregnant woman first' I said closing my eyes again

'The pregnant woman is a lot more bareable when waking up than my brother'

'I'm still tired though' I whispered closing my eyes again

'I asked them to send our breakfast up here' he said opening one of my eyes with his thumb

'What did you order me?'

'Pancakes with the sweet syrup stuff and I got a load of bacon coming too'

'Bacon pancakes' I smiled

'Alice' Loki groaned turning over to face us, his eyes still closed

'Good morning' I whispered giving his cheek a kiss

'I'm so tired' he yawned

'Go back to sleep, we'll wake you when breakfast is here' I smiled

'We'll?' He said opening his eyes, seeing Thor 'great' he sighed turning over having his back facing us

'Good morning to you too' Thor groaned standing up

Following his lead I stood up and stretched then going and sitting on the bigger couch, my back leaning on the arm and my legs up on it

A knocked at the door happened followed by someone calling out 'breakfast'

'Ohhhh' Thor smiled doing a happy dance on the way over to the door making me laugh

'Thank you' he said taking the tray and then closing the door

He walked over and sat it on the coffee table

'Lokiiiiii breakfaassttt' I sang over to him making him sit up and hold his head in his hands

'Your pancakes m'lady' Thor said bowing down as he passed them to me

'Your so embarrassing' I laughed cutting into my pancakes

Thor got himself, I won't lie, I don't know half of the names of the things but basically he just had a pile of meats on his plate

'Looks healthy' I smirked at him

'Taste de-lish' he said taking a bite of one of them

'Your disgusting' Loki said sitting at the end of the same couch as me, Thor was on a one seater.

'I've had the worst sleep' he groaned taking his bowl of oats, filled with fruits and syrup. Every morning without fail he has this, doesnt matter if he eats before hand, he always has his oats.

'Why what's up' I said, poking the side of his thigh with my toe

'Nightmares, the strangest ones' he shrugged

'What of?' Thor asked, his mouth full

'That's the thing, I can't remember. I just remember every so often I woke up with a cold sweat'

'That's actually really weird?' I said sitting up, crossing my legs together, crisscross applesauce style, and sat my plate on my thighs

'Probably because of what happened yesterday' he said looking at me

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now