Chapter 14

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Alice's POV

Once we were sat in the living room I felt severe case of déjà vu from the last time I was here. The only difference is I can't text my dad to save me this time...

'We actually came here to ask you some questions' Sam said sitting by Bucky

'Ohh is that so' Jack said still looking at me

'Jack it's about the flag smashers' I said

He rolled his eyes 'ughh those guys. Nothing for me to worry about.'

'Yeah but were worried about them'

He looked at me funny 'are they causing you trouble?'

*he was passed a saw from the wall*

'Alice we have eyes on every rival gang say the word and we'll bomb em' Harry said walking in

'No' Sam said standing up 'were not looking to kill anyone'

'Avengers' Jack said in disgust under his breath

*he laughed as he began to saw off the mans leg*

'We need to know everything you have on them' Bucky said standing up beside Sam

'I feel sick' I muttered

'Alice you've gone white?!' Bucky said walking towards me

'I-' I felt myself about to be sick. I stood up and rushed to the bathroom where I threw up for what seemed like ages

'Here' bucky said giving me a glass of water

'Thanks' I said taking a sip

'I wish Alissa was here' I said looking up at him

'I didn't really know the girl' he said sitting in the ground beside me

'She's the best' I sighed

'You should go see her' he said wrapping his arm around me

'Too much work to do'

'You alright?' Jack said walking in

I just looked at him and nodded

'Can you give us a minute' he said to Bucky

Bucky looked at me 'I'll be out in a minute' I said giving his hand a squeeze

'Wanna tell me what happened' he said sitting on the ground opposite me

'I could see you hacking away at that guys legs and... ugh and it just turned my stomach' I admitted

He tutted 'I'm sorry, really I am. I shouldn't have done that in front of you and Alissa'

I sighed 'what have you got up to in all these years anyways'

'Trying to find a new place to live. A hideout. Just no where fits my standards yet'

I nodded

'And you? You saved the world, the universe even'

'I suppose' I smiled

'Find lover boy?'

'Broke up with him actually'



'And Alissa? How's she?'

'I wouldn't know. I haven't seen her since my dads  funeral'

'Huh? What?'

Then I remembered we never told Jack or anyone who she really was

'She's actually from a planet called vanaheim and she was a princess but now she's the queen. There's no way for me to get there except from the bifrost'

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now