Chapter 13

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Alice's POV

'How do you know this guy?' Sam asked

'It was durning the blip, we met at a party'

'Okay then. Let's go'

We got a plane to the prison Jack was being held in. It was very high in security.

We walked in and went to the receptionist, like we were instructed to do from the guards out front

'I'm here to visit Jack Napier' I said

She looked at me weirdly 'Jack broke out of here after three months?'

'Oh... do you kno-'

'Do you think if I knew where he was he wouldn't be back in here?'

'Sorry for wasting your time then' I said then turning and walking out with Bucky and Sam

'What now?' Bucky said getting in the car

'We go to his house' I said turning the key and hitting the gas.

It was like a 5 hour drive to la and by the time we got there it was night so I drove us to my house first so we could sleep there.

'Nice place' Sam said looking at it

'Thanks, it's probably freezing inside I haven't been here in a while' I said opening the door

I walked in and turned the heating on

Bucky and Sam just looked around.

'Hey where did you get this?' Bucky shouted from the cozy room

I walked in and seen he ment the gun Steve gave me that was peggys.

'Steve gave it to me remember'

The gun was in a glass case with the bullets scattered around the bottom

'Come on I'll show you your room' I smiled linking arms with him

'Sam you coming?!'

'Coming now' Sam shouted running up to us.

Once up stairs I put Sam in the room that was beside Alissas and Bucky in the one opposite it.

I walked back into my room and turned the lights on and just leaned on the wall looking at my bed. I always said I would move it but I never did.

I got changed and got into my side. The best side, the left side.

In the morning it felt so good to get a shower in my own home and to wear clothes that weren't tight fighting suits or shields uniforms.

I wore a pair of white slightly flowy trousers along with a white turtle neck with a double gold chain and a light nude jacket with dark brown buttons. Straightened my hair and did my usual makeup. And threw on a cute pair of nude block heels to match the jacket.

I walked down the stairs to see Bucky and Sam in the same clothes as before in the livingroom watching tv

'Hungry?' I asked

'Starving. You have no food in here' Sam joked

'Tell me about it, come on I'll drive us to the mall to get you guys two suits and food' I said grabbing my car keys

'Why suits?' Bucky asked

'If we're going to see Jack you need wear a suit otherwise he'll think your nobody's, I cant have you wrecking my reputation now can I?' I laughed

Once in the mall Bucky got an all black suit with black shoes and Sam got a navy one with a white shirt and navy tie and brown shoes.

We ordered from a cute cafe beside the mall. We all just got pancakes.

And that was how the morning went. Smooth and easy.

'This suit is uncomfortable'
'Turn the music up'
'Sam move over!'
'It's not my fault there's boxes beside me!'
'Put them on the ground!'

'DONT! You. Dare. No putting my new shoe boxes on the ground.' I sighed 'one of you jump in the front dear god. I feel like happy'

Sam climbed in the front and connected his phone to my car playing his songs.

Once we got to jacks house the front gate was closed, obviously, so I hit the buzzer to be let in

'Yes?' A man said

'Alice stark. I'm an old friend. Open the gates'

'Right away miss stark'

We drove up and I parked by the steps leading up to the door.

I knocked at the door and no other than Harry opened it with a huge smile

'Harryyy' I smiled giving him a hug

'How come your showing your face' he said hugging me back

'I need to see Jack' I said then letting go

'Follow me then, and your friends'

He lead us up stairs which was so weird for me. The last time I was in here I watched Jack cut some guys legs off.

'He doesn't know your here so-'

I pushed the door open

'Hello Jack' I smiled

His face broke out in a massive smile 'you little minx!' He shouted actually rather angrily

I looked at him weirdly but still smiling

He stormed up to me, grabbed my face and kissed me, deeply.

'Oh I've waited so long for that' he said

I was in shock. I just stared at him, my mouth open slightly.

'H set up the livingroom for us, use my favourite wine'

'No bother J'

'Uh' I looked at Jack 'thisss is uh- these are my friends. Sam and Bucky' I said still just not comprehending what just happened

He simply looked at them with his mouth open and raised his eyebrows at them. He walked over and sat on his desk but kept his feet on the ground.

'Winter Soldier? If I'm correct' he said looking at Bucky making Bucky clench his fist

'He's not like that anymore' I said

'Oh I know' he smirked

'Longing... RRRUSTED!'
'Seventeen' he whispered giggling

I looked at Bucky who was death staring Jack

'D-D-D d d d d DAYBREAK!' He said pretending to be scared then shouting

'Okay Jack. That's enough' I said walking up to him putting a hand on his forearm.

Just as he was about to speak Harry shouted up the stair 'rooms ready J!'

Before I could even move I was swooped up and carried down the stairs bridal style looking at Bucky and Sam as they walked behind us.

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now