Chapter 12

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Loki's POV

I'm bored. I've nothing to do.

Thor never visits, the only communication we have is sending useless thing with a note just saying 'hi' back and forth.

Nothing exciting is going on.

Just meetings, balls, celebratory feast, and other kings trying to set their daughters up with me.

I don't really have a 'friend' per say. I've Thor's friends and I have my staff but it's different.

'King loki!' Sigyn called from behind me

'Princess, how can I help?' I smiled, out of all the daughters that have been thrown at me she's been the most bearable

'I'm returning home, I simply wished to bid you farewell' she smiled

'Shall you be returning for the February festival?'

'If I am invited'

'I'll ensure you have an invitation for every night. I'll have a wing set up for you and your family' I said taking her hand in mine Then slowly bringing it to my lips while keeping eye contact

She blushed, a lot.
'You are ever so kind your highness' she said giving me the eyes.

'Farewell princess'

'Farewell allfather' she did a typical courtesy and then left

I sighed and sat down, looking at the view of my kingdom. It sure gets lonely.

Alice's POV

So right now we're sat in some shitty hotel that's freezing.

'Is there no where else we can sleep' I groaned

Sam threw a pillow at me 'shhhh it's 3 am!'

After a minute he spoke again 'can I have that pillow back' he whispered

I threw the pillow at him

Around 20 minutes later he was snoring.

There was only one room left, and it only had two single beds. Sam immediately claimed one and Bucky said he would take the chair.

I sat up and looked at Bucky, he wasn't sleeping


'What Alice' he said sounding really annoyed

'Can we talk, please' I whispered

He sighed 'where?'

'The bathroom?'

He got up and walked in to it and I followed after.
I walked in and he was sitting in the counter by the sink, I closed the door and looked at him.

'Talk about what?' He said

'Please don't be mad at me'

He just looked at me, no emotion in his face at all

'Don't be mad at me, please bucky'

'Oh my god' he muttered 'don't be mad at you? And it's angry by the way. Not mad! Angry!'

'Okay... don't be angry with me' I said feeling my throat getting stingy

'I am angry with you! And I have a good reason to be angry with you! You cant do this! You can't!'

'Listen I'm sorry. I'm selfish, I was too involved with work to answer you calls, I'm sorry Bucky. I'm so sorry' my voice began to shake

'I needed you' his voice began to wobble

'I know. I know you did. U lost Steve, he was your life long friend. I'm sorry Bucky. But I struggled with his loss too-'

'Even before that! You haven't spoke to me in 10 fucking months! But I see in the tv your out swinging around with that spider freak, having tea with dr strange or whatever he's called, and socialising with Steve's replacement!'

'I didn't want to be with John! That was forced! You think I really like him?! That bastard took every opportunity to humiliate me! I'm nothing more than a pawn in his game'

'That doesn't explain why you never reached out and told me. Fuck sake Alice! I was with you through so much. I helped you as best as I could when we were on vanaheim, I helped the others on how to act with you, I helped you. You never helped me' he voice broke

'I'm so sorry Bucky' I said feeling my face get warm now 'I'm so so sorry'

I walked over and hugged him, standing between his legs with my arms around his waist. 'I'm so sorry' I whispered

He sighed and hugged me back, resting his head on mine 'I forgive you' he whispered

'GREAT CAN YOU BOTH SHUT UP NOW. THANKS!' Sam shouted from the room making both of us laugh.

Buck jumped in the bed with me and eventually we both fell asleep.

The next morning we ordered room service for breakfast and ate that going over our options.

'We need to figure out more about this group' Bucky said

'I know someone who could help us but I think he's in jail' I said

'Who?' Sam asked

'Jack Napier'

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now