Chapter 7

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Alice's POV

The movie was shit.

The person playing me portrayed me to be a crier.

And watching my dads death again was definitely not a good idea, we did not think that through.
We stayed up half the night crying. But I am still not a crier! I was just emotional.

'Aliceee! You phones ringing!' Peter shouted from the kitchen

'What the ring tone?!'


Fuck fuck fuck.

'Answer it quick'

I walked up to him and his face went a white greenish colour when he realised it was fury, considering he'd been avoiding his calls.

'Hello nick o lass'

'Alice we need you in shield ASAP, there's a car downstairs, I don't care what your wearing, get in it now' he said then hanging up

'Oh no... oh no no no. Peter what did he say to you.'

'To put you on the phone, what's going on?'

'I don't know but I need to go, I'll text you and let you know' I said running around trying to find my shoes

Once I finally found them I ran out to the car and jumped in.

The ride there was unbearable.

I'm 100% in trouble. Which makes no sense. I haven't done anything 'bad' in a while. I mean he made me disable my intergalactic communication device so I could try and send messages to vanaheim, no clue if it even works but apparently it was a threat to the planet which is just stupid.

Once I was there I ran straight to his office, pushing the door nearly off its hinges.

'I'm here! Oh god... I'm here.... And I'm very unfit oh fuck' I panted leaning down with my hands on my thighs.

'I need you to sit down and calm down Alice' he said looking at me

I nodded and sat opposite his desk, facing him.

'I can only apologise for this but I need you to stay professional'

I looked at him, either he's done something or someone's done something and he has to go along with it.

'Okay, you have my word'

'The American government have decided to... how do i put this, they have a new captain America, who has nothing to do with shield but                                       .'

I zoned out. I stared off out the window. They replaced the man who did so much for their country just like that.



'Did you hear me?'

'No sorry'

'They got into contact with Thaddeus Ross, I'm sure you've heard of him, yes?'

'Yeah, he tried to arrest Nat when she first jointed because of the red room'

'Yeah well Ross wants good publicity for John, and wants you and him to... be seen together. So the public know he's one to trust'

'Well you can tell mr secretary he can kiss my ass'  I said pushing my chair back

'You said you would be professional' he put his head in his hands

'Your the director of shield surely you can tell him no'

He lifted his head up and looked at me 'He's higher up Alice'

'By like one mark! Fury this is insane'

'Just meet the guy'

I sighed 'how long do I have to be seen with him'

'I don't know. A month at most maybe'

'Get Ross on the phone'

He dialled some numbers into the phone on his desk and after a few seconds Ross answered

'Fury' he said

'Ross, it's Alice stark'

'Miss stark, lovely to hear from you' his condescending voice echoed through the room

'Yeah okay. I have questions and your going to answer them otherwise this little deal you have planned with my co-'  fury threw a pencil at me giving me and daring stare 'with my boss isn't going to happen'

'Ask away Miss stark' he laughed

'Why are you doing this so soon after Steve's passing'

'I'm afraid it was the American government not me, next question'

'What does this ordeal inquire'

'Interviews, pres, papz. Next'

'How long'

'3 months'

'How much'

'How much what?'

I laughed 'how much will I be getting paid'

'Don't you have enough money to last you till you die- oh- wait you won't die for a few thousand years, isn't that right, Miss stark' he said making my blood boil

'How much' I repeated, squeezing the handle of the chair

'How much would you like'

'6 million'


'Per month'

'Your insane!'

'Yelp guess I'm not doing it, goodbye'  I said just about to press the button


I smirked 'I'm waiting' I sang

'Let me talk this through with some people'

'Well mr secretary you know where to find me' i said hanging up

I looked at fury 'if this works, I'll buy you a burger' I said getting up and he followed my action, leading me to the door

'You'll be buying me more than a burger'

'Later loser' I smiled walking out

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now