Chapter 29

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Alice's POV

The whole world then went black

Slowly I felt it, I felt myself gaining more and more consciousness in alexs mind, searching for her fear.

'Dad? What do you mean?' She said looking at my dad

'Your out Alex! You think Id care for a wreckless, selfish, killer like you? Your on your own again, get out of my tower!'

'Guys?!' She said turning around and seeing none of the avengers or some other girl would back her up.

The vision faded into a dark room

'No?' She whispered 'no no?!'

'Where are we?' I asked feeling myself fully there

'You did this?'

I smirked at her 'where are wee' I sang looking around, taking big steps

'Hydra' she said

'Hm, bit dark isn't it? Afraid of the dark? Want a night light?' I smiled holding my hand out and letting small beads of light go up and float around the room

The door opened and a man walked through causing her to tense up

I felt the vision begin to fade again

She was laying in some alley shivering alone

It stayed like this for a while until she stood up and walked straight through me

'Let's see how you got these powers then' I whispered hoping it would work

Feeling the vision fade again

I seen a pregnant woman getting injected with too many things to count, the vision was different, all the faces were blurred, like she didn't know who the people were.

'Stop showing me this!!!' Alex screamed then breaking the hold I had on her and pushed me off her

I fell back on the ground and backed away from her

'Scared of loneliness then?' I smiled 'pathetic if you ask me' I laughed

She threw three massive energy blasts at the palace, making the whole thing shake and probably crack even more

Thor's POV

'Do you see anything?' I shouted over to Alissa, she was on the balcony trying to see if she could see Alice.

I was trying to make a safe way down for her, considering she's pretty much trapped in this half of the room. I would fly us down but the doctor warned me not to, something about its bad for the baby and the speed and all that.

'Nothing' she groaned, leaning up on the concrete barrier more

'Well I think if I break the top of the bed off and put it over the crack, I'll go over first and lean over as far as I can to hold your hand to mak-'

The palace shook violently


I whipped my head over to the balcony


Alice's POV

She shot me down again 'you know' I groaned standing up again 'i don't particularly like you'

'The feelings mutual' she said firing at me again but I dodged it

'You can electrocute people alice' rang in my head

I looked at her I shot electricity at her, hitting her right in the abdomen

Her hand shot down and I took this as my chance

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now