Chapter 24

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Alice's POV


How you doin now?

I'm better thanks. Actually going to be going to stay off world for a while so I won't be able to talk to you for a bit

If that's what you want then I say go for it. Buckys here with me and he agrees

Tell him I love him. I love you too. And I'll see you both when I'm back

Bye :)

Web head <3

Later loser.

'Morgan!' I shouted putting my phone down

'She's out side!' Mom shouted back

Waking outside I couldn't see her

'Morgannn' I sang walking around

'I don't want to talk to you' she said sitting facing the water

Walking on the doc I sat beside her


'You always leave! You went and got a new apartment when you already have here and your own house. You missed my birthday. You haven't been here in ages and your leaving now for however long!'

'I-' I sighed 'I'm sorry...' I whispered

'Do you even care that Christmas is coming up soon and you won't be here for it? Your here every year'

'Morgan I think you need to understand this place has alot of memories for me and sometimes memories can hurt'

'Memories of what? When you actually cared?'

I shook my head 'memories of daddy'


'I'll be back for Christmas, I promise. And I'll see if I bring Alissa back with me'


'Morgan' I nudged her

She looked at me

'I love you so much, you know that right?'

She nodded her head

'And I'll always come back if you need me to, all you need to do is shout hiemdall and he'll tell me. But only if it's serious, okay?'

She smiled 'okay'

'Now gimme a hug' I said with my arms out

She sat on my lap and hugged me

Standing up I kept her in my arms and walked over to mom, who was standing watching.

'Come here' she smiled with her arms out

Walking over we all had a group hug

'I'll miss you' she whispered in my ear

'I'll miss you too'

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now