Chapter 42

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Alice's POV

Groaning I turned on my side. I was laying in bed and i was so comfortable.

The sun getting in my eyes a bit I turned back over the other way, not wanting to open my eyes.

'Good morning' was whispered beside me

Opening my eyes I seen a strange man laying on his back on his phone

I didn't move, I just stared. Completely confused

'Who, the fuck, are you' I said sitting up

He looked over at me confused and then sighed

'Did you shift again? Honey where did you go this time? I thought we agreed you wouldn't anymore since you get so confused when you come back.'

'...what? Wait-what?!'

'Do you remember your name?'

'Alice stark?'

He sighed 'Alice Downey'

'I- what?' I got out of the bed, the room wasn't the size I was used to but it was just an average size for a room

'Where did you go this time love? You can sit down it okay' he said sitting his phone on the bed

'No? This isn't happening? I was just stabbed- wait!' I pulled my pyjamas top up to see no scar or cut or anything 'what?'

'It's okay, your just disoriented, how long were you there for?'

'I'm 26? I was there my whole life?'

He racked his hands through his hair 'are you that unhappy here? Is it me?'

'I- what? I don't even know you?'

'I'm your husband Alice. We're married 4 years. Your Alice Downey. Your 30 years old. We have two children. Your an author.'

I couldn't speak, none of this was making sense

'Alice. Come on, snap out of it'

'What about Loki?' I whispered

'Who's Loki?'

My eyes widened 'where am I?'

'Your home' he sighed 'sweetheart come back to bed. It's early'

I raised my hands up, aiming them at him 'where am I! And why am I here!'

He chuckled 'so you had super powers? What were they?'

I tried to throw a fire ball at him... but it didn't work.

'What?' I looked down at my hands, trying everything to make anything happen, but nothing happened.

'Come and talk with me' he said patting the bed

Slowly I walked over and sat in the bed, he put the blanket over my legs

'Do you remember me yet?' He asked and I shook my head no

'It's probably because you were there so long. You've never managed to last 26 years before, only a few months' he chuckled

'I don't know what your talking about?'

He held my hand 'you shift realities a lot, last time you went and became a student at hogwarts.'

'I have the power to shift realities?'

'It's not really a power, you just need to be really spiritually aware. It took you so long to be able to do it'

'I don't understand? Is this a thing everyone here can do?'

He shook his head no 'only some. Not everyone's lucky enough'

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now