Chapter 48

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Alice's POV

*back at shield*
*2 days later*

Clint kate and yelena all went home as soon as we landed. Strange and Peter went back to where ever to sort peters whole mess out. Bruce left yesterday to see his cousin. As for Sam and Bucky they said they aren't leaving till I leave.

It's strange really. Thor Loki Sam and buck all together, they aren't exactly similar but I suppose opposites attract? Right?

I was sitting in fury's office however currently when he walked in

I found something I shouldn't have

'They're looking for you' he said closing the door

'Yeah. Yeah I know'

'Not going out to them?' He said taking his seat


He sighed 'what's on your mind'

'I've been thinking... you wouldn't have had any idea hydra was still around, would you?'

He looked me, his expression cold 'we always had thoughts but didn't know for sure'

'Your lying.'  I know his lying face, his left nostril flares


'No. Here's the thing nick' I pulled my phone out and swiped so the screen was a hologram so he could see what I was doing. 'I was curious because surely you all do highly detailed background checks on new employees, even ones that would be working with the avengers. Ethan for example'

'Where are you going with this'

'You knew he was a hydra operative the whole time.' I showed the background check they had on Ethan on the hologram. 'And you kept it going and here's what I think about it. I think you felt you were losing control of the avengers when though at this time we had no threats-'

'Are you suggesting I helped the attack on New York?!'

'No not at all. I'm saying you kept Ethan around so you too could gain information on the avengers but not only that but also give false information on shield which I vividly remember you saying we had this high tech shit that we didn't have, Infront of him. You knew they would take me. You knew. You didn't try to protect me and you just wanted it to happen so you could end them, hydra, shields main enemy, once and for all. You knew where I was the whole time! Didn't you!'

'This is insane Alice'

I threw the papers at him I found in his desk, I was looking for the shock pen he took from me and found all that instead.

'Alice' he sighed

'My work with shield is done. Shield will have nothing to do with any avengers further projects, if there even is any because as of right now the avengers are done.'

'What gives you the right to decide this'

'One push of this button and all your secrets are public. Everything.'

He looked at me

'Everything nick. I even have record of goose the cat'

'Get out of my building' he said standing up

'With pleasure' I said then storming out

Going to where I knew the boys would look for me, my room, I found them

'Where were you!' Thor said

'We're leaving, Loki take us all to me and Alissas place'

He looked at me weird

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