Chapter 15

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Jacks POV

'H get a background check on the winter solider. I want to know everything' I said hearing him walk into my office

'Already done J. We found some... pretty interesting pieces of information' he smiled

'Let's see then'

Winter solider
Bucky Barnes

Short catch up:
Captured by hydra he was trained to be their assassin. He was given the super solider serum along with a metal arm, shoulder. Hydra came into contact with an out-of-Earth organisation, traded the winter solider to them for a number of weapons and high tech.

Number of kills:
Over 2 dozen over 50 years.

Names of kills:
Amanda zorroful
Petter Patterson
Chris evans
Tristan Downey
Howard stark
Maria stark
Abigail Donnell
Ciara boner
Christian write


Howard and Maria stark?

'This- is that her-'

'Grandparents on her dads side? Yeah. Killed them and made it look like a car accident' he said

I felt myself begin to smile 'oh this is gonna be good'

Alice's POV

My hair... it's broken.

On another note peter was fighting a monster?

'Alice limos outside, come on' Jack said standing at the door way of the guest room I was sat in.

Jack gave me a sparkly long purple dress with a massive slit and black heels.

After around 5 hours we got there and it was the most awkward drive ever.

Jack and I sat in our usual seats whereas Harry sat at the other side of me causing Sam and Bucky to sit kinda in the middle of the limo.

When walking into the club I seen a familiar face but I couldn't quite put a name to it.

'Come on our booths back here' Harry said putting a hand on my back getting me to continue walking even tho I was already linked onto jacks arm

It was a usual booth for Jack. Spacious, gold, table with shots already on it, and a view of the strip pole.

'So where's the guys we need to talk with' Sam said getting straight to business

'They should be in a conference call and after that they have a meeting with a few people from Germany then they are free and that's when we go to them' Harry said

Jack pulled me closer to him and Harry sat at my other side and I could have swore they gave Bucky a dirty look.

'Is that Alissa?' Jack said

'Huh?' I said looking where he was and the girl was the image of Alissa except for a few small missing details

'I'll go get her' Harry said

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