Chapter 32

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Alice's POV

*3 weeks later*

Thor Loki and I are all living in my house in LA and it's been great. Thor's even gotten to do some shield work and Loki...well,  he wants nothing to do with it. Within the 3 weeks Thor and I have gone on 2 missions and hands down it was the most fun over ever had in any near death experience

I gasped 'Thor look, I found it!' I smiled

We were in some building. No clue what the place was called but they were bad. Like bad bad.

'That little thing?'he said picking it up

'It's already been combined with 3 people and they have all died, so I'd be careful with that 'little thing' if I were you'

He pursed his like to the side and sat it back down gently

Walking over to it I put it in the suit case designed for it. It really was just a small thin thing, it was a dull yellow and had like wires that looked like red veins going around parts of it.

'Right ring fury so we can get out of here. It's creepy' Thor said looking around the room we were in

'I found ittttt!' I sang down the phone

'Then leave?' He sighed hanging up

'He said he loves us' I smiled putting my phone back in my pocket

'I don't believe that for a second' Thor said picking up another weird thing

'I'm gonna open this door-' I literally sang opening the door but immediately shutting it seeing some grey skinned woman with red eyes standing facing me

I slammed the door shut 'NO IM NOT! NOT THAT DOOR! UHHHH THORRR I WANT TO GO BACK HOME!!' I shouted not realising I was still singing

''We're leaving, no need to worry about us!' Thor shouted out the key hole of the door grabbing my hand then running through a window

The other mission we had a few other shield agents with us, going back to the same place to get the ones in charge

We went in through the basement and made our way up the stairs, it was dark. Because it was night...

*toxic by Britney Spears starts playing*

'Who's phone is ringing?! This is a stealth mission!' Someone whisper shouted

'You're dangerous, I'm loving it' I hummed

'Better question, whose ring tone is a Britney Spears melody' Thor said looking at the man who was trying to turn his phone off

'With a taste of your lips, I'm on a ride
You're toxic, I'm slippin' under-'

'Alice! Stop singing along!'

'Jezz sorry, Christ I try to have a little fun and this is what happens'

It later lead on to me and Thor getting separated from the rest

'In here maybe?' He whispered opening a door

We walked in and some man was sat behind a desk

'Who the fuck are you!' He said looking at me

'Me?' I asked


I looked at Thor 'this bitch doesn't know me'

'I'd be offended' he said moving his shoulders up slightly

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora