Chapter 34

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Alice's POV

When we arrived there was two horses, as usual.

'Anything happen when we were gone, my friend?' Thor asked Hiemdall

'Not a single thing'

Loki transformed himself into his usual getup then jumped up on his horse

'Coming?' He smiled down at me

'Your going to leave me dressed like this?'

'Yes, yes I am'

I shook my head and took his hand and let him pull me up

'Race back?' Thor said moving around to get comfy on his horse

'To the stables or courtyard?'


'Hold on tight' Loki whispered to me





We took off and immediately I was flung back by how fast we went. Loki's arm some how managed to hold my back up while he was still, driving the horse? It's not driving the horse? Stirring the horse? I don't know.

'Hold on tight Alice' he laughed

I wrapped my arms around him 'you know it's not that serious, this race. I did almost die!'

'Don't be dramatic'

By now Thor was catching up to us

'Put ice under his horse, it would be so funny'

'Animal cruelty!'

'Oh right. Didn't think about that' he said somehow managing to make his horse go faster

A few minutes later we were at the stables and won by literally a few seconds

'You cheated. I don't know how. But you did' Thor said getting off his horse

'Sore loser' Loki laughed putting his horse in its area

'When are we eating our sandwiches?' I said holding the bag up

He smiled, bigger than usual which is really weird to see 'the garden? I had an outdoor dining area set up'

'Let's go' I held his hand and walked on 'coming Thor?' I asked turning around

'I'm going to go see my friends, get some drinks with them and catch up' he smiled

I nodded my head 'come see me before you go to sleep?'

'Ofcourse I will' he kissed my cheek and walked off

'I'm so hungry' I said as we walked along the pebbled path

'Well once we have these we can go see what's for dinner?'

'You know you should cook more often'

'Definitely not'

'Your really good at it'

'You still haven't cooked for me yet' he said poking my side

'Yeah I have'


'I never lie' I smiled

'Another lie'

'Shut up' I laughed as we turned the corner to walk in to the gardens

But as soon as I got in the gardens I stopped, seeing a beautiful stone fountain with statues of Thor Loki Alissa and I on top of it, the water trickling down from under us.

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now