Chapter 27

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My room on Asgard got moved, and I am not complaining. My room before was big, huge even, it was a Princess suite. But now I have the room that's a Queen suite, beautiful view of the gardens and it's super close to Loki's room. Given I don't actually use my room but still, I love it.

'What's the plans for today then' I smiled laying on Loki's bed, looking up from a book I was reading, seeing Alissa walk in.

'Whatever, I still can't get over this place' she smiled

'You've been before ali' I laughed getting up 'but I get what you mean, it's so beautiful'

'Coffee?' She asked pouring herself one


She walked over and handed me my coffee

'So strange to think all this is going to be yours, you got it so lucky'

'I know, it's so weird. Think of it Alissa, vanaheim and Asgard will be closer than ever when Loki and I open up on our relationship'

She nodded her head

I took a sip of my coffee and nearly choked it tasted that bad

'Did you forget how I like my coffee?'

'A little milk and two sugars?' She asked

'I like creamer ali?'

'Ohhhh right! God I forgot' she laughed

I chuckled


'Thor!' I shouted running up to him in the hall


'How are youuu' I said holding his hand

'I am wellll, how are youuu' he said swinging our hands back and forth as we walked

'I am also welllll. No seriously though, is alissa okay?'

He looked at me weird 'she was acting strange when we got here last night and left our room as fast as she could this morning, I mean not to give too many details but sometimes we share a bath an-'

'Don't need the details buddy' I said letting go of his hand and patting his shoulder

'Yeah well she didn't today is basically it'

'How did she sleep last night, what side of the bed?'

'The left, she never sleeps there'

'She always takes the right and I always take the left?'

'I'm sure she's fine, probably pregnancy brain or something' he said then immediately covering his mouth

I stopped walking and looked at him 'what?!'

'No! You didnt hear that from me! She was waiting to tell you on Christmas!'



'Whattt! You knocked her up! Thor!'

'I'm sorry! She's too beautiful to resist! I know you two wanted to get pregnant together!'

'Nooo it's not that! You can just have another when I get pregnant! It's the fact you told me!!'

'Noo! I didn't! Stop lying!'





'Are one of you going to explain why your screaming in my palace?' Loki said walking up to us

'Thor, ask him' I said still staring at Thor

'Thor? What did you do?'

'Nothing' he smiled 'well, I have to go see my betrothed' he said then speed walking way

Loki looked at me

'Alissas pregnant' I whispered

He smiled 'thats great'

'Thor told me!'

'That's not so great' he laughed 'just act like you don't know whenever she tells you'

'I know' I said then kissing him

'Ohh what was that for'

'I just love you' I whispered

'We're not getting pregnant yet sweetheart' he said kissing my cheek

'Yeah, next week sure' I smiled

'Nope' he said slapping my ass and walking away

'Loki!' I wined following him


Alissas POV

'You can't keep me locked in here' I said to my look alike

'I know' she smiled 'but when I do what I think I was brought to this reality for, I'll let you go'

'They'll find me, I'm literally in a room in the palace. And alice isn't stupid, she'll know you aren't me, and when that happens, she'll kill you'

'Oh Alissa, your alice has no chance of killing me, I'm more powerful than her'

'Okay then' I smiled knowing it wasn't true

'Until then' she said sitting in front of me 'tell me everything I need to know about her'

'I would, really. But I don't want to' I smiled getting up and walking over to the bed

'Do you really think your the one with the cards here? Get talkin' she said holding her hand out and forming some purple ball in it

'I don't care about your purple balls, I'm tried'

'Alissa, we can be friends' she said walking over to me 'make this easier on yourself'

'Who even are you' I groaned getting under the covers

'I'm called Alex' she smiled

'Okay, alex, one thing about Alice... shes not stupid. She'll know you aren't me. She's a stark for Valhalla's sake! Her father was- is still known all over the universe for his brain.'

'Funny' she tutted 'I'm a stark too'

'Yeah, right. Tony and pepper only have two kids'

'Peppers her mom?!'

'Yes? Obviously?'

'And Tony's dead here?'

'He died just over a year ago. Listen, I don't know what your playing at but I'm not bothered. I'll be out of here in two days at most so if you don't mind I'd like to get some rest'

'... I'm from a different reality' she said

'Then how are you here?'

'I'm not fully sure. I spoke with your spider man and he said about a spell being messed up and that's why I'm here'

'When you said about the purpose you think you were brought here for, what was it?'

'To kill Alice stark'

Loki's POV

'King Loki, you have two meetings tomorrow. Sir Gavan told me to remind you' one of the guards said knelling down at the throne

'Ofcourse. Thank you' I said and he got up and walked out

'King Loki' Alice said walking in just as he walked out

'Lady Alice' I smiled seeing her close the doors behind her

'Your highness, I have an issue' she said walking towards the steps

'And what might that issue be, my fair lady'

She kneeled down and looked up at me 'I desire you, my king'

I smirked 'here? Or our bedroom?'

'Wherever you want me' she said then walking up the stairs

'I want you everywhere' I whispered as she sat on my lap

'Then here it is' she said then leaning in and kissing me

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now