Chapter 40

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Alice's POV

*one week later*

The past week hasn't actually been that bad.

Today's the family day festival, so nothings happening tonight and honestly I'm actually really excited for this one.

'I don't have to go right?' Thor said walking into me and Loki's room

'If you want to take the day off that's fine, today's more of a easygoing one anyways' I said still reading my book, sitting on the couch

'Where's loki?' He asked sitting right beside me

'With calla, I didn't ask why'

'What you reading?' He said putting his face right up to the book

'Fantasy book, you wouldn't like it' I said moving his head so I could see it

'I would, read it for me?'

I smirked 'okay but don't say I didn't warn you'

'Fantasy books are for children, no need to warn me' he laughed

I took a deep breath and started reading where I left off

'Just as I put my shirt on I felt a presence behind me and then a cold hand touch my left shoulder, slowly making its way down my arm.

'I want to see what you do when your in that shower, Ara' he whispered in my ear

'I- I don't know what your talking about' I said still standing with my back to him

'Turn around, face me'

Slowly I complied, turning around to see his freshly washed face, him in nothing but a towel that hung loosely by his hips, his hair wet.

'Touch yourself' he whispered


His hand came to my right one and slowly brought it down to my leggings, pulling them down.

'You know what to do' he smirked pulling my underwear down too

'Noah' I whispered feeling his hand press my hand against my clit-'

'No more!' Thor shouted standing up

I couldn't help but laugh 'for children' I mocked

'Your reading straight up porn!'

'Loki got me it' I smiled

He rolled his eyes 'ofcourse he did. He's a freak'

'Especially in the sheets' I winked my eye

'I'm away. Enjoy your book porn' he said walking away

'I loove youu!' I shouted as the door shut

I smiled and looked back to my book then closing it and sitting it on the coffee table, I was just reading it for the story line anyways... the story line being the sex

'Lady Alice it's Calla' she said knocking on my door

Fuckkkk 'come in' I called out grabbing the book and putting it under a pillow

She walked in with five women

'Your still in your night clothes?' She said looking at my pjs, just a silk set, shorts and a top

'I was waiting on Loki coming back, he said he has a dress he wants me to wear for today' I said looking over at her

'Very well' she said walking over and sitting on one of the two one person couch's

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now