Chapter 46

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Alice's pov

*present day*

'Oh my god?' I whispered looking around 'I actually did it'

I killed her

Not even that

I shifted?

I'm not sure if that means I did shift before back to my 'old' life but I'm just going to wing it.

I heard the front door open and the sound of little feet running towards my room

'Mom! Look what I got!' One shouted getting up on the bed holding up a kids magazine

'Ohhh cool' I smiled

'Look at all the picturessssss!' She squealed flipping through the pages

Smiling and laughing along with her as she showed me all the things she liked about it but I stopped the second I noticed the hydra symbol on the back of the magazine by the bar code

'Hey, sweetheart? Can I keep that magazine for a little while, I want to read up on your favs' I smiled putting my hand out

'Sure, it's late too, daddy said he was going to make something for us all for supper' she said giving me it

'Mmm sounds good, how about you go help and I'll get a quick flick through this babes?'

'Mmk' she said getting off the bed and running into the kitchen

Getting out of bed I closed the door quietly and leaned up against the wall beside it, looking at the back of the magazine

And there plain as day

The hydra symbol

'Alice you hungry?!' Harry shouted in

'Um no? No I'm good' I shouted out still looking at the back of the book


This whole thing can't be them

There's literally zero possible way

'Hey?' Harry said walking in 'everything okay?' His eyes widening seeing what I'm looking at

'Yeah everything's fine, just having a flick through this' I smiled

'It's a childrens magazine, give it to me and I'll bin it' he chuckled putting his hand out, getting closer to me

'I'm a child at heart' I said putting it behind my back

'No, your really not'

'Harry' I said backing away as he continued to get closer to me

'Alice, give me the magazine'


'Why's it matter? Why do you want to look at it?'

'I've nothing else to look at'

'The tv?'

I smiled 'with all the controlled channels I'm allowed to watch?'

'...what? Are you losing your mind? Jesus Christ Alice'

'I'm not stupid'

'Your insane! Your actually insane. We've been married how long an-'

'Oh for the love of god!' I threw the magazine at him 'you work for hydra, I don't know how but you took my powers away, clearly not bracelets' I held my wrists up, noticing a wedding ring on my left hand 'a ring maybe?' I said taking it off and throwing it at him but feeling nothing

'Insane. Clinically insane!' He shouted before slamming the door, leaving with the magazine

Lokis POV

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now