Chapter 36

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Alice's POV

*two days later*

Okay, I'm in a pickle

I'm in such a pickle

Ohhhh I'm in a big pickle

A very very big pickle

'Hey sweetheart, only running in to grab my helmet. In a helmet sort of mood' Loki said coming in and grabbing his helmet, not even noticing me standing by the fire pace

'Love you, gotta go. Maids will be up in a hour or two' he said running back out and closing the door

The February festival is tomorrow, and dear Jesus have I been stressed the past three days. It's not bad, per se. It's just a lot of really boring things and having people constantly running up asking my opinion for things like decorations and curtain colours... yes that's right. Curtain colours. Loki wants each event to have different coloured curtains and ofcourse he didn't take any responsibility in picking any colours. Or anything! I have done every single thing for every single night for the festival. 28 nights! I've planned all 28. I don't even know what he gets up to but ohhhh I'm irritated.

And to top things off, I'm in a very big pickle!

'Can I come in?' Thor called from out side the door of, well it was Loki's room but it's some how managed to turn into our room and my room isn't my room no more, so I get zero privacy now. Nada.

'Yeah mon in' I said leaning on the back of the couch, facing the bed

'I was thinking, I know shocker, but think how amazing it would be if we have poptarts at the sweet treats theme'

I fell back so I would land on the seating part of the couch and groaned

'If I hear one more think about the February festival I'm going home' I said coming my face with my hands

' no poptarts?' He said sitting down beside me, well I was upside down

'If the cooks can make them then yes. Say to Cala I approved and she'll make sure they are there'

'Want to tell me why your in a bit of mood?' He said moving a bit of my hair off my face

'I don't know yet' I said lowering my hands to look at him

'I'm basically family' he smiled 'come on, we can handle this together'

'I'm late' I whispered looking at him, analysing his face

'For what? Your dress fitting isn't for another two hours I think?'

'No Thor' I groaned 'I'm late'

'What for?'

I sighed 'I'm two months late' I whispered

His face dropped 'your pregnant?' He whispered

'I don't know' I shrugged 'it's been really irregular for like 4 years but my doctor said it's because of my powers n stuff and my body sometimes can't work the shedding properly because it has so much else to keep, what's the word, I think she said to keep under control? I'm not sure. So I'm used to being late for 3 weeks at most once I was late for 5 weeks and dad was making take a test very day even though I wasn't sleeping around. But I haven't been two months late before and I'm freaking out'

'Okay' he muttered 'we can get you checked now, and from there we will see what happens'

I nodded my head and sat up. I was wearing a really light flowy light blue dress with no sleeve, Cala had my whole wardrobe changed and this was the only style of dress that looked comfortable

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now