Chapter 18

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Alice's POV

Walking up the stairs I made my way to the spare room where I had a small bag of clothes and pjs Jack got me for the stay here. Getting out of the pjs I was in I threw on the only bottoms in the bag, a pair of shorts that had a distressed vibe and then white sleeveless turtle neck along with an off white / creamish zip up jacket. Not my usual attire, kinda basic but it'll do. I would throw my hair In a messy bun but then I would feel too much like a Pinterest girl then, so it just got brushed out and left down. Putting on a pair of all white air forces my 'I'm a basic bitch' outfit was complete.

I grabbed my phone and made my way to jacks office.

I walked in and opened the top drawer and  the memory pen wasn't just sat there like I thought it'd be but a piece of paper labelled WS was...

I pulled it out and then I seen the memory pen.

Putting the memory pen in my pocket I sat down on jacks chair, and took the paper clip off to read

Winter solider
Bucky Barnes

Short catch up:
Captured by hydra he was trained to be their assassin. He was given the super solider serum along with a metal arm, shoulder. Hydra came into contact with an out-of-Earth organisation, traded the winter solider to them for a number of weapons and high tech.

Number of kills:
Over 2 dozen over 50 years.

Names of kills:
Amanda zorroful
Petter Patterson
Chris evans
Tristan Downey
Howard stark
Maria stark


Jacks POV

'So boys where to now?' H said

'Probably back to Alice's to see this memory pen then we'll just see where the information takes us' Sam said

'You've been very quiet James' I said

'Yeah. He tends to do that' Sam said when he didn't answer

'It's been 15 minutes what's taking her so long' Sam said looking out the door

'You know alice. She's probably up there flipping out over the outfit of one the guys went out to get for her' h said

'Why what's wrong with it?'

'Just not her usual style'

Then she walked in. Holding the exact thing I wanted her to be holding

'Where did you find this?' She said looking at me

'Alice... I didn't mean for you to find that' I lied

'If you ment it or not, I still found it. Where did you get it Jack!'

'I had my men do a background check, was purely curious who I was letting in my house'

'What is that?' Sam said

'Background information on the winter soilder' she said looking at Bucky causing him to snap his head to her

'You killed them...' she stated
'You killed my dads parents. You killed my grand parents.'

'No no no Alice please. Let's talk about this outside'

She only stared at the floor

'You knew' she said looking at me 'you knew and you never told me!' She shouted

'I didn't think it was my place'

'Oh so you place it some where convenient for me to find it?! I'm not stupid Jack!' She said and her free hand went on fire, her eyes got specks of purple and a little bit of red in them

I'm not yours. A Loki fan ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora