Chapter Thirty-Three

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Anastasia (Aria) POV:

"Careful now. Move your hand there. Good job." The doctor praises Anya as she gently lowers herself into the tub with me.

She has me cradled against her bare chest, my cheek resting against the swell of her left breast. I guess this is all apart of their rebonding bullshit. Bathing with me, skin to skin contact nearly 24/7, nursing for almost every meal, and overall feeling like I'm being smothered.

And I just have to take it all happily. I can't let them know that I do remember everything. For the past couple days, I've been putting on the best performance of my life. I've smiled and cooed when I was supposed to, laughed and even giggled. This is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

It's basically like being a newborn again. The procedure caused some blocks in my memory, but not the one that was important. Mainly, I've just forgotten how to crawl and sit up by myself. I find myself weaker than I was before.

"That's Mommy's sweet girl. You like the water? I know you do." Anya coos while patting my naked bum.

Turning my head weakly, I fake giggle at the sound of her voice. I really need to sell this, so I make sure my eyes figuratively twinkle as I look up at Anya.

"Scoot forward, Anya. Maxim is going to slip in behind you." A brown haired nurse suggests.

Kinda weird that she's trying to show all of us how to bathe together, when we've already had baths together before. Plus, we're all naked as if that wasn't weird enough.

Water laps over the side of the tub, falling down onto the white tiled floor when Maxim wiggles his way in behind Anya. His hands come around to gently cup my back. I won't lie and say that being cuddled up the them isn't comfortable.

I'm technically a baby, which means I get cold easily. Being pressed up against Anya and surrounded by warm water is comfy.

"She's like a totally different baby. Aria has never wanted to snuggle together like this. It's precious." Maxim whispers sentimentally.

I want to gag.

"After this we're going to try something new involving Maxim. We have a new piece of technology that we want to try out." The nurse suggests, her words filling my veins with ice.

Good lord. I'm not ready for more testing. I'm not a test subject, yet the doctors continue to treat me like one. At this point, I want to go home and lay in my crib by myself. I'm feeling quite smothered right now.

The water start to run cold before we all exit the tub. I'm wrapped in a soft pink towel that was brought from home. I snuggle down into the plush material the best I can to protect myself from the cold. All the while, Anya and Maxim are drying themselves off while I rest on the changing table.

Anya returns to me now dressed in a large gray tee shirt with a matching pair of leggings. She has an outfit for me clutched in her hand. All I can see is pink tulle. I hate tulle. It rubs horribly against my sensitive baby skin. I'm afraid to cry my displeasure at that, though. They may think that I retained my memory just because I cried. They would be right, but what they don't know won't hurt them.

"Look how adorable this is. Daddy bought it for you." Anya holds the outfit for me to see.

Kicking my legs out, I act all excited and shit over the ugly dress and diaper cover set. The dress says 'Daddy's Princess' in big pink letters with a white background. The diaper cover is a matching pink color. My ugly outfit is completed with a pink headband and matching pink socks.

There's so much pink that I feel like vomiting. It's not even cute pink. No, It's Pepto Bismol pink.

Once I'm all dried off and dressed, multiple pictures are taken of me. I make sure to gum it up to the camera, smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt.

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