Chapter Twenty-One

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Anastasia (Aria) POV:

It's official, I'm six weeks old. Well, in my new body I'm six weeks old. Maxim and Anya are taking me to Anya's checkup today. She's basically getting cleared for sex again. The thought instantly disgusts me and I definitely don't want to be in the room when that happens.

I'm sure they don't care about that, though. To them I'm a brainless baby that doesn't know anything about anything. All I'm saying, is that they better put me in my room before the hanky panky starts.

Currently, I'm laid out on Maxim's chest doing skin to skin. His shirt is off, along with my whole outfit. I'm only wearing a diaper. His skin is warm against mine and every time he talks to Anya, his chest vibrates.

"Lift your head up for Daddy." Maxim coos as he places his giant hand behind the back of my neck for support.

I grunt as I lift my head. It wobbles like a bobble head, before dropping back down to his chest. I'm getting better at supporting my head, but there's still a ways to go.

"Good girl, baby!" He praises, patting my butt a little bit.

Anya's sitting up in bed next to us with her back against the headboard. She's been upset because her maternity leave is almost up. She'll have to go back to work and she's struggling with the idea. I think she's going to bring me with her, but she hasn't made her mind up yet.

"I have two more weeks with Aria. Two weeks isn't enough. I spoke with the firm I work with and they said they'll let me bring Aria into work with me, but I just want to be at home with her." Anya comments as she reaches over to stroke the soft skin on my back.

"I make enough money to support us for the rest of our lives, hun. You can be a stay at home mom if you want. I'll support you in your decision." Maxim replies firmly.

Anya shrugs and reaches over to grab me from Maxim. She's only wearing a nursing bra and she places me down on her stomach. Our skin presses against each other's and the baby inside me coos.

"You like being close with your Mama, huh?" Anya asks rhetorically.

I wiggle around a little bit, trying to get my body to cooperate with what my brain wants. Anya chuckles, the movement making me bounce on her belly.

"Come up here, peanut. Let's get you fed before we get ready."

Anya lifts me up and takes off her bra. She guides my head towards her nipple and helps get me latched on. It's a weird feeling having a nipple in my mouth. Since I'm so tiny, it feels like my mouth is completely full, but I think that's the point. I have to have a mouthful so I don't get air in my stomach.

I nurse for a while, gulping down the sweet milk. Anya and Maxim chat while I eat, until Maxim gets up to go shower and change his clothes. My eyes follow him as he walks through the room, only wearing a pair of boxer briefs.

"She's watching you, Max." Anya laughs as she stares down at me.

"Yeah, cause she's a Daddy's girl." He states like that's a fact.

"Why don't you hop in the shower with her? It will save time. I'll join you guys in a second. I need to pump my other breast."

I'm passed off to Maxim and he brings me up to his face, pressing a kiss on my chubby cheek. He walks into the bathroom and carefully lays me down on my cushion in between their two sinks.

They bought that about a week ago so I could rest comfortably while they shower or use the bathroom. It's just a light pink cushion that has a insert that I can rest safely in without rolling over.

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