Chapter Thirty-Two

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Anastasia (Aria) POV:

I'm eerily quiet as Maxim holds me securely on the paper lined table in this facilities office. At first, I struggled with all I had in me. When my efforts were fruitless, I eventually gave up. All I managed to do was exhaust myself. I need to keep a clear head for what's about to happen to me.

The doctor came in already to do the usual work up. He promised to be back shortly. Now, Anya paces the room anxiously, looking at me every now and then. I'm guessing she's wondering what all I remember and how I haven't been the easiest baby. Now that they know I've retained everything from my life before, they're less than pleased.

"Don't worry, babe. We'll get everything worked out. She'll never remember and things will go back to the way they were before." Maxim comments while bouncing his knee.

Turning my head, I lean down and bite the skin on his arm. My tiny bottom teeth sink into his skin, making him screech. "No bite, Aria!" Maxim bellows, pulling my head away from his arm. I didn't bite hard enough to break the skin, sadly.

Meanwhile, I cackle like it's the funniest thing on earth. My baby giggles are adorable if I do say so myself. I can even see Anya give a tiny smile. That drops when she remembers why we're here in the first place. It's all their fault, though, so she can shove it where the sun doesn't shine.

A knock suddenly sounds on the dark brown door, my evil doctor walking in shortly after. He's an older man with a round middle. Wrinkles show his time, along with the graying hair on the top of his head.

He sighs wearily, running his hand along the top of his head before saying, "My colleagues and I don't think the procedure route is what's best for Aria. There's many factors that go into turning her back into an embryo, and unfortunately, Aria's still too small to undergo that procedure again. There is another option, though."

Anya turns her hopeful eyes towards the doctor, folding her hands together like she's praying, "What is it? We'll do anything."

"There's a small shot we can give her. We've targeted a gene mutation within Aria. It must've been why she didn't forget her memories while in the womb. We'll make a serum of sorts. It'll target that gene mutation, making it ineffective. Then, we'll give her a different medicine that'll hopefully regress her completely."

"How quickly will the medicine work? Will it be automatic, or slowly over time?" Maxim questions.

"It'll be nearly automatic. She'll maintain some skills, while forgetting others. We're hoping that she'll remember you two, but we're not entirely sure. We'll re-bond the three of you afterwards. Her baby brain will be able to process that you're her parents during the bonding. This whole process is entirely new, so everything is either hit or miss." The doctor admits.

Fear spikes in my system once again. I don't want to forget anything. Not my real parents or my life before. I don't want to forget the good or the bad. All I want is to remain myself, not what Anya and Maxim want of me. Not to mention the fact that I'm about to be used as a test bunny.

"Do whatever you can. We want our sweet Aria back." That's ironic coming from Maxim, considering that I was never theirs in the first place.

"We're already working on it. This should take about a week. My team recommends staying in this facility for that time. We can monitor her, make sure she's getting the correct nutrients if she refuses to eat." The doctor looks at me as he speaks, and I swear there's a menacing glare in his eyes.

He comes over, crouching down in front of Maxim and I. His hand grabs my own, giving me a squeeze that borders on discomfort. "Don't worry, Aria. We'll get everything figured out. It's better to forget, trust me."

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