Chapter Four

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Several months pass and I grow a little bit more each day. According to my math, I'm at least thirty-four weeks today. The average pregnancy lasts forty weeks. I just want to make it through two more months and then I'll be out.

Anya has taken to rubbing oil on her stomach in the mornings and at night to prevent stretch marks and to bond with me. She loves to talk to me about boring stuff and rant about work. Anya is a lawyer and I don't know what Maxim does yet.

More annoying things that Anya does is she likes to jog even though she's eight months pregnant. Whenever she jogs, it bounces me around annoyingly. I make sure to kick her in the ribs when she does that.

The worst thing about this whole situation right now is I'm growing bigger which means there's less room in here for me. My legs are almost constantly pushed up against my chest and my head is crammed into the small space.

I'm so uncomfortable, it's not even funny.

"How is she?" Maxim asks as he places his hand on top of Anya's stomach. He gently presses down and it makes my kick my leg out. There is not enough space in here for him to be touching me.

The thing about Maxim is, he loves to poke me, talk to me, and wake me up when I'm asleep. It's rude and I hate it. "She's quiet for now. She's moving every now and then. I figure it's getting crowded in there." Anya responds.

"Awe! Daddy's baby is getting so big. I can't wait to meet you." Maxim says against Anya's stomach. The sound echos in my ears and I try to roll over.

"I'm going over my birth plan today. Do you want to sit with me and do it?" Anaya asks.

"You know I would love to." Anya starts walking and the motion that used to be soothing, is more annoying now because there's less room in here to rock.

"I know I want only you in the room when I give birth, but our parents can visit for an hour at most. I also want skin to skin straight after delivery, and she'll be solely breastfed. What do you think about a water birth?"

Hell no, I am not sucking on this woman's breasts. No way. I would rather starve. "You can't have an epidural during a water birth, hun. If you want the drugs you have to stay out of the tub." Maxim says gently.

"I guess you're right. Maybe we can try it without drugs but you know my pain tolerance isn't that high." Anya moves around a little bit and it jars me. I roll onto my side a little bit and try to stretch out.

"I can see her moving right now." Maxim laughs.

"She moves whenever I move nowadays." Anya places her hand on her stomach and gently rubs it. I hate that it feels good when she does that. I don't want her nice touches, I want my real Mom and Dad back.

"Anyways, back to the birth plan. I would also like for the lights to be low and soothing music to play while I'm in labor. Another thing is, I don't want any extended family to visit while I'm in the hospital. Only our parents will be allowed during visitation.

"I just want this to go as smoothly as possible. I'm really scared as it is." By the time Anya finishes with her rant, the sound of her heartbeat has sped up and it sounds like she's crying.

For some reason, I feel the need to comfort her. I have no idea why, the feelings just there. Ever so gently, I give her a light kick to let her know I'm here. "Thank you, babygirl." Anya whispers, barely loud enough for me to hear her words.

"What did she do?" Maxim asks.

"She just gave me a little kick but I needed it. Isn't that right my Aria?" She ruined the moment by using my new name. My name with always be Anastasia, not Aria.

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