Chapter Nine

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I'm woken up to the feeling of my body being lifted and the tapes on my diaper being removed. Whining, I stretch my arms above my head and yawn. Being a baby is tiring for no reason at all. My tiny body just can't handle being awake all the time. "Biiiig stretch, babygirl." Anya whispers, drawing out the word in a high pitched voice.

I whine at the noise and slowly peel my eyes open. The light in the room is barely coming in through the curtains and the television that's hung up on the wall in front of the bed is blasting music.

My baby ears are sensitive to sound and the noise hurts my ears. I let out a large wail and Maxim immediately turns the sound down on the TV. "Daddy's sorry, peanut." He whispers while grabbing my hand.

"Pass me the wipes please, hun. She crapped again." Anya mutters while rolling her shoulders. She's wearing a white tank top and I can clearly see wet spots from where her milk leaked.

Maxim hands her a pack of wipes and she gets to work wiping me down. "What time is it, babe?" Anya asks him after taping a new diaper on me.

"Around nine-thirty. Why?" Maxim leans down and kisses my cheek, his stubble abrading my sensitive skin.

"It feels like four in the morning. We have to get her on a schedule. The appointment tomorrow is at eight and I doubt we'll get any sleep tonight." Anya says while putting a pair of pants on me.

They're a forest green color and they don't even fit. The legs of the pants are way down below my feet and the waist band is saggy around my lower belly. "Nothing fits her. She's just too small." Anya whines as she pulls the pants off, leaving me in a white onesie that's also several sizes too big.

"She'll grow into it, babe. Don't fret about it. Aria's just little but she's healthy. That's all that matters." Anya looks like she's going to cry at Maxim's response.

Her face is scrunched up and she sniffles, lifting me off of the bed and laying me down on her wet chest. The feeling is uncomfortable and I wail. I'm not going to lay on her soggy titties. "Shhh, it's okay. Mama's here." Anya kisses the top of my head and adjusts my body so I'm laying in the crook of her arm.

She unlatches a clip on her tank top and the material falls down, revealing her breast. There's milk actively leaking and I wail harder. I'm hungry but I don't want to nurse on her. I know I did it earlier, but it was like my brain shut off and I only knew one thing; that I had to nurse. "There you go, Aria. It's okay, stop crying." Anya says while grabbing her boob and stuffing it in my mouth.

The semi-sweet milk fills my mouth and I swallow. I'm probably going to regret this later, but I latch on and begin to suck. I'm hungry and this is the only thing I'm going to get for a while. I'm going to have to get used to it. "There you go, peanut. It's good isn't it?" Anya asks as she lays down on her left side with her left hand propping up her head.

I'm curled up against her breasts with her right breast in my mouth. Maxim cuddles up against my back and leans down. I think he's going to kiss my head but he just inhales the top of my scalp. "That new baby smell is the best." Maxim whispers.

"It is. I'm obsessed with every little thing about her, even her smell." Anya replies.

I'm full pretty quickly so I unlatch and try to turn my head away from Anya. She insists on keeping me snug against her breasts while she rubs my back. The action makes me hiccup and I get an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. It feels like I have to burp but I can't get it out.

Before I can stop it, a large cry comes out of my mouth along with some regurgitated milk. Great, just great. Now I smell like old tit milk and stomach acid.

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