Chapter Seven

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I try to open my eyes but it's too bright. After being kept in darkness for nine long months, my eyes haven't adjusted to seeing light again.

I'm placed on top of Anya's chest and a suction is forced into my nose and mouth, while a towel is rubbed along my back vigorously. "Come on, babygirl. Give us a cry." The doctor encourages.

My body is cold and and I'm in so much pain, that I don't know how to handle it. I feel like I was just pushed through a meat grinder that was several sizes too small. The doctor keeps rubbing my back with a towel, abrading my sensitive skin, until I finally let out a whimper that turns into a full blown cry. "There you go!" The doctor yells.

Opening my eyes, I take my first look at Maxim and Anya. Anya has straight, black hair, green eyes, a button nose, and plump pink lips. Whereas, Maxim has dark brown hair, blue eyes, a straight nose, and a strong jaw.

They're both staring down at me and crying. "Oh, my precious girl." Anya leans down and kisses my head while Maxim grasps my tiny hand in his.

"She's beautiful." Anya sniffles, placing her hand on top of my head.

"Maxim, would you like to cut the cord?" Doctor Martin asks.

Maxim doesn't take his eyes of me when he replies with a simple, "Yes." He takes the scissors the doctor offers, and cuts where she instructs him to.

A hat is placed on my head before I'm taken off of Anya's warm chest. "Where are you taking her!?" Anya yells, her voice full of panic.

"We're just going to get her vitals, weight, and height. We'll bring her right back after we're done." A nurse tells her.

"Go with her!" Anya yells at Maxim.

My body is placed down on something warm and my weight and height are taken. The nurse also tapes a diaper around me and wraps me in a blanket.

My body feels so heavy that I can't even lift my head. I feel so helpless and breakable. I hate it. "Here, Maxim." The nurse gently slides one hand under my head and neck, and the other under my butt, and gently lifts me to hand me off to Maxim.

He carefully takes me in his arms and rests my head in the crook of his elbow. "Hi, peanut. I'm your Daddy." Maxim says as he smiles down at me.

I can't talk or do anything besides slowly blink my eyes. This is humiliating.

He walks over to Anya who's sweaty, red in the face, and has tears coming out of her eyes. "Is she okay?" Anya anxiously asks.

"Yes. She's six pounds, four ounces and sixteen inches long. Aria's perfect, babe." Maxim gives my forehead a kiss before he hands me off to Anya.

"I'm going to give you some private time to bond with Gaia. Go ahead and do skin to skin and if she's hungry, try to nurse her. I'll be back in an hour to check on both of you. Congratulations!" The doctor says before leaving the room with the nurses trailing behind her.

Anya doesn't reply, she just stares down at me and smiles. "I'm your Mommy. I waited so long to be able to hold you." She lays me down on the bed and unwraps the blanket from around me, making me shiver, and pulls her hospital gown down to expose her breasts.

Maxim helps her get me situated so Anya's laying back with me on her chest. Her bare skin is so soft against mine and my head rests right under her chin. "She's perfect. From head to toe, absolutely perfect." Maxim says, never looking away from my face.

"She's so tiny. I can't believe something this tiny hurt so much." Anya laughs a little bit.

I try to tell her it hurt me more, but the only thing that comes out of my mouth are little baby grunts and high pitched squeals. "You talking to your Mommy and Daddy? Huh?" Maxim asks in a babyish voice, grabbing my little hand that's balled up on Anya's chest.

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