Chapter Nineteen

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Maxim POV:

It's official, Aria's officially one month old. Anya woke me up sobbing this morning while holding Aria. When I asked her what was wrong she told me, 'She's growing up way too fast. I need her to slow down.'

I laughed, much to Anya's displeasure. I had to sit there and explain that Aria is only a month old and still tiny as hell. Our baby girl has put on some much needed weight, though. She's currently weighing in at almost ten pounds.

Aria is no longer in premie clothes. Our peanut is officially wearing newborn clothes and diapers, much to Anya's pleasure. All my wife's been doing is dressing Aria up in the clothes she should've been wearing weeks ago.

I can't tell you how many tiny hair bows I've found in our bed, but it's a lot.

Currently, we're out to lunch with our friends. Aria is fast asleep in her carseat, snoozing the day away like she normally does. Anya is sitting next to me looking radiant in a blue summer dress. Her breasts are much larger from breastfeeding, pushing out the bust of the dress.

I'm wearing khaki shorts and a polo shirt. The bare minimum as always since I'm working on bare minimum sleep. Aria still hasn't fallen into a sleep schedule yet. She wakes up several times throughout the night to nurse.

Anya doesn't mind, but I kinda do. I'm not mad at Aria for waking us up, I'm mad because I'm usually the one that has to stand up to get her. Half of the time she just ends up sleeping in the bed with us. I know it's not safe, but it happens much more than I care to admit.

"Can you check on Aria?" Anya suddenly asks me, setting down her mimosa.

It's one of her first drinks since giving birth. We agreed that she could drink today, if I could give the baby a bottle. Anya pumped the milk and put it in a bottle for Aria right before we left.

Setting down my glass of sparkling water, I nod my head, then lean down to get Aria. There's a cover over her carseat so germs and sunlight don't get inside. We're all sitting outside today, so it's very helpful to protect her tiny eyes from the sun.

When I remove the cover off of the carseat, Aria is wide awake and moving around. She's wearing a white onesie that says, 'I Got It From My Mama' in pink script, leg warmers that go up to her chunky thighs, and a large pink bow that wraps around her head.

She kicks her legs when she sees me and I smile back down at her. "Hey, Daddy's baby. You ready for your baba?" I coo.

I carefully unbuckle my little girl, then bring her up to my chest. Aria's little head still needs support and her body is still pretty floppy, but she's slowly getting there.

Pressing a kiss to the top of Aria's fuzzy head, I hum softly to her. "Are you hungry, peanut?"

"That's a sexy sight." One of Anya's girl friends points out, gesturing to me as I hold my precious girl.

"I know right? Big bad tattooed Maxim, holding and singing to our little girl." Anya replies with a smile as she rests her elbows on the white table cloth.

Rolling my eyes, I grab Aria's bottle out of the diaper bag, and give it a little shake. The milk is semi-cold, but still should be good if she drinks it now. Breastmilk technically needs to be left in a fridge after being pumped, but can be left out for four hours before spoiling.

I move Aria so she's laying in the crook of my arm, then offer her the bottle. She latches onto it eagerly and suckles strongly. The noises she makes while eating make me laugh. She's a greedy little thing.

"Who knew you would be such a good dad, Max? I'm enjoying the child free life." Beck says, sitting back in his chair and crossing his arms behind his head.

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