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In the year 3457, the human population reached exponential levels. Almost twenty-billion humans roamed the earth, eating up it's resources.

There were food shortages, wars, riots, and the earth was slowly dying.

So were the humans.

Scientists rushed to figure out a solution to the overpopulation problem.

They came up with Operation Rebirth.

A select handful of human adults would be turned back into embryos and implanted into women to be reborn.

This would give the women who want to have babies a chance to have one, without adding more humans into the world.

These select handful of male and female humans would be chosen based on their looks, DNA, and blood type.

After these procedures started, the population started to decline and the earth was slowly healing. Less and less naturally created babies we're being born and more human to embryo procedures were being done.

Women and men were put on government mandated birth control to prevent any naturally made children from being born.

If caught without birth control, there was a hefty fine along with up to forty years served in prison.

The only problem with this procedure was the human who was transformed into the embryo, would retain their memory. Scientists couldn't figure out how to erase their memories.

Most people took to their new lives and saw this as a do-over. The people who rebelled, would he sent back to the facility to be returned to an embryo and the process would start again until they learned their lesson.

Rebelling against anything was a moot point.

The scientists saw this a win. By the year 4598, the rainforests were slowly growing back, the ocean life was once again filled with fish, and the food shortages were once a thing of the past.

The scientists agreed to stop the procedures for the time being. If the earths numbers were to go up again, they would start again.

The last procedure was on the year 4600. A young girl named, Anastasia, would be transformed back into a embryo and placed in a woman named, Anya.

This is Anastasia's story as the last embryo...

The Rebirth (Age-Regression)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin