Chapter Twenty-Three

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Anya POV:

It's official. Our little Aria is three months old today. She's come so far since the first time I held her in my arms. She can hold her head up, kick her legs, babble, giggle, smile, she's even sleeping for a full seven hours at night now.

The best part is my peanut is absolutely adorable. She's a chunky baby with the cutest thigh rolls. Her black hair is growing and her big blue eyes are more expressive.

She is just the cutest thing in the world. I'm just sad that I have to go back to work. My boss said I could take her with me since Maxim has to go into work too, but I'm going to miss staying home with her.

"What's going on in your head?" Maxim whispers as he turns over on his side, bringing me close to his chest.

"Just thinking about how far Aria has come. She just keeps growing. I miss when she was a teeny tiny baby."

Maxim chuckles against the back of my neck and points to the baby monitor on our nightstand. Aria is wide awake in the image, kicking her legs and cooing too herself.

"Look. She's still a little baby. Aria still can't roll over yet. Don't spend your time reminiscing over Aria when she was a newborn. Focus on spending time with her now."

A weary sigh leaves me and I nod my head. Maxim's right, I do need to enjoy these moments, but it's hard.

"I'm going to go grab her. I'll be right back."

Maxim let's me go and I rush to Aria's nursery. Since she's been sleeping through the night, Maxim and I decided it was best if she sleeps in her own crib. The bassinet is still beside our bed, but we hardly use it.

"Good morning, peanut." I coo as I lean over the crib to tickle Aria's belly.

Her chubby cheeks are rosy and there's a toothless smile on her face. She's happy to see me today. It also could be because she's hungry and I have boobs, but I'm picking the first option.

"You're stinky. Let's change your little bum."

I carry Aria over to the changing table and lay her down. She gurgles to me the whole diaper change while I pretend to understand what she's saying. It's adorable.

"Look at these chunky little legs. Mama's feeding you good."

Aria's thirteen pounds now and twenty-three inches long. It's a huge improvement over how much she weighed when she was born.

"Anya?" Maxim calls from the other room.


"Bring me my baby. I want to say good morning."

I roll my eyes and lean down to give Aria some kisses. Her legs kick out and she giggles when I blow raspberries into her neck fat.

"Hold on. I'm putting a onesie on her."

Grabbing a random white onesie, I quickly get Aria dressed. It's not what she's going to wear to the office with me today, but it will do for now.

"All fresh and clean." I whisper as I lift my baby back up to my chest.

Carrying her into my room, I sit down on the bed and lower the strap to the tank top I'm wearing. When my boob comes into view, Aria makes this cute happy sound. It's like a coo and a gurgle mixed together.

"She's being too cute today." Maxim whispers, leaning over to kiss the top of Aria's fuzzy head.

"Yeah, she is." I comment as I lean Aria back into the crook of my arm.

I support my breast so she can get a good latch, then lean back against my stack of pillows. Aria looks up at me as she suckles, content to watch me talk to Maxim. She watches the way my mouth moves and the gestures I make with my free hand as I talk.

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