Chapter Thirty-One

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Maxim POV:

Anya bustles around the kitchen in front of me, washing vegetables and fruit so they can be boiled and blended. Aria watches on curiously in her bumbo. It seems to be entertaining her to watch her Mommy do several tasks at once. I tried to step in to help, but basically got kicked out of the kitchen. Now, I'm sitting at the island next to my baby.

"Okay, it needs to be blended up finely after boiling." Anya mutters to herself as she reads an article on her phone. Her black hair is tied into a messy bun on top of her head, a few lose strands falling from it as she bends down to grab a pot. She isn't wearing a bra, so when she bends down her shirt gapes open. My eyes automatically go to her cleavage.

Aria randomly lets out a loud squeal, kicking her chunky legs in excitement. She must've seen Anya's boobs as well. She's just excited for a totally different reason. "You see Mommy's boobies too?" I question playfully while rubbing my hand on top of her soft hair. She turns her neck to look at me, giving me the most adorable smile.

"Stop staring at my breasts, Maxim." Anya demands without any actual heat. Winking, I head to the fridge to grab me something to drink. Meanwhile, Anya starts the blender. The sound scares the living shit out of my baby. She practically jumps out of her bumbo, then scrunches her face up. The telltale sign that she's going to cry. Dropping my bottle of orange juice, I rush over to Aria and grab her out of the small seat. She stuffs her face in my neck as I carry her out of the room.

I rub her back while whispering soft words in her ear. Eventually, the tears stop along with the blender. "There you go, peanut. All better." Aria pulls her head out of my neck and sticks that adorable bottom lip out at me. I tap it with my finger, making her smile once again. "You are just the happiest girl today." I comment, carrying Aria back into the kitchen.

Anya is standing at the counter, scooping the green contents in the blender into little jars. "And what concoction is in that?" I say, gesturing with my chin towards the jars. My wife straightens and in a proud tone says, "Blended broccoli, apple, pear, and a little bit of breastmilk." That sounds disgusting. I don't understand why we feed infants weird food combinations that adults wouldn't dare to try.

"That honestly sounds disgusting as hell." Even the baby doesn't look pleased with it. She's staring at the mush with a displeased look on her face. Chuckling, I set her back down in the bumbo, and wrap a pink bib around her neck. "Here, you try first so I can get pictures." Anya comments as she hands me a baby spoon and one of the jars of food. I eye the green mush, shrug, then scoop some of it's contents onto the silicone spoon.

"I'm sorry about this in advance, baby girl." I whisper as I bring the spoon up to her mouth. Anya stands slightly to my side, phone out and ready to record our daughter's first time trying baby food. Aria opens her mouth and I gently stick the spoon in. As soon as I pull it out, Aria's chubby face scrunches up in displeasure. She uses her tongue to push the food out while her whole body shudders.

"Was that gross, peanut?" Anya laughs, her shoulders shaking with the movement. Preparing another spoon full of food, I offer it to Aria and watch as she turns her head away in disgust. The action smears food across her chubby rosy cheek. "Yeah, I don't think she likes this one. Should we try another combination? Maybe one that doesn't contain vegetables?" I raise my eyebrow at Anya and she nods her head in agreement.

"Okay, this one is banana, apple, and pear." I'm handed the light brown smushed food, then scoop up another spoonful. Aria looks at me through distrustful eyes, reluctantly opening her mouth. Anya and I stand side by side, anxiously awaiting her verdict. Surprisingly, Aria swallows the mouthful and opens her mouth for another bite. It's good that she likes this one, but I would also like her to have some sort of vegetables in her diet.

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