Chapter Fifteen

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(Chapter idea inspired by NerdyKing22 Thank you for your chapter suggestion! Feel free to leave more in the comments or on my page!)

Maxim's movie shoot took forever to film. It was the single-handedly most boring event in my life. Being wrapped in a swaddle while bright lights shone down on my face is not my definition of a good time.

Add to that, Anya wanted to show me off to everybody and anybody. I'm sure that's the reason I'm sick right now.

I overheard Maxim and Anya talking a few hours after their big blow up, they're planning to stay in this city for a few days so Maxim can finish his shoot.

It's been exactly one day, and I'm sick as shit. Being this tiny makes everything more painful. Including my sore throat. I keep coughing, my nose is runny, and I've even thrown up a couple times. All in the short span of two hours.

Anya stares down at me as I whine and wiggle in my travel bassinet. Concern is evident on her face. She turns to Maxim who's standing next to her and asks, "Should we take her to the hospital? Her tiny body can't handle this cold like ours can."

Maxim rapidly nods his head and proceeds to pack a large hospital bag. Anya smiles sadly at me, then slides her arms under my body to lift me to her chest.

My mouth automatically opens, rooting around on Anya's shoulder for her nipple. The baby in me wants to nurse all the time, especially because I'm sick.

"You finally want some milk, peanut? It's been a while. You're probably so dehydrated." Anya whispers as she moves to the bed, sitting down.

She unwraps me from my swaddle, lifts her shirt, and supports her breast so I can latch on. I grunt a little bit when I take Anya's nipple in my mouth. I'm just so small and her breasts are so big. It's hard for me to fit her nipple in my mouth.

"There you go. Daddy's finishing packing, and then we'll go see the doctor. All you need to worry about is drinking all the milk you want." Anya whispers, stroking my cheek with her thumb.

I stare up at Anya, the swell of her breast blocking most of my view. Right as my body begins to relax, another round of tiny, baby coughs takes over my body for a few seconds. I'm extremely uncomfortable. The need to cry overwhelms me and I just let it out.

Anya's nipple falls out of my mouth, making the baby in me cry harder. She doesn't like that her food source was taken away.

"Oh no. It's okay, babygirl. I got you." Anya carefully lifts me up, placing my overheated body against her bare breasts. The feeling is comforting, my cries instantly stopping.

Her skin is warm and soft again mine. The baby in me instantly recognizes Anya's smell as her mother. She coos contently, then burrows further into Anya's chest.

"You ready to go?" Maxim asks as he walks back into the room.

The hotel room they rented is extremely upperclass. It's more like an apartment than a hotel room. Everything looks so expensive. If I was eighteen again (like I should be) I would be scared to touch anything in fear of breaking it.

As it is, I can barely move my head, so I'm safe from breaking anything.

"Yeah, hand me her carseat."

Maxim places the seat down on the bed, then pulls me from Anya's arms. Instead of putting clothes on me, he straps me into the seat in just my diaper. I'm glad for that too. My body is way too hot to be able to handle clothes right now.

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