Sentient Bushes & Toast-Reunited and It Feels So Good

Start from the beginning


Harry tightened his hand in Draco's. He seemed to have grown three inches over the summer and his hair brushed his chin. He could see everyone they passed giving his beloved a second glance. He stared at him from the corner of his eye and sighed. It wasn't his fault that he looked like Achillies. His skin was a pretty golden color from being out in the sun and his scar made him look dangerous. Puberty was hitting him hard and he had never been so enamored with someone. Hermione said it was because his hormones were out of control but he wanted to snog Draco senseless.
"Are you okay, my heart?" Harry couldn't resist giving him a quick kiss when Sirius wasn't looking.
"I'm just so happy we're together again." Draco grinned widely and a random girl walked into a pole.
"Me too. The days were so long without you. I thought I was going to die." Before Harry could respond, a voice called out "Draco, is that you?" They both turned to see Daphne Greengrass strolling over, her younger sister getting dragged along. She gave a wolf whistle and said "Merlin Draco, you look stunning! I think I'm going blind looking at both of you. Hogwarts Power Couple will be breaking hearts all over this year!" Draco rolled his eyes at her announcement before asking "How's Ginny? Harry told me you've been trying to woo her." She gave a soft smile and Astoria whispered "she's been sending her gifts and love letters every day!" Daphne put her in a headlock and said "mind your own business, Tori!" Harry giggled as the two sisters continued to fight.
"Harry!" A mass of red hair slammed into him and Ginny swung him around.
"I love your outfit! Hi President! Wicked scar, you look like you should be on the cover of one of Herm's romance novels!" She opened her mouth before noticing Daphne.
"Hi babe! What are you doing here?" She leaned over and kissed her cheek. The pureblood girl practically melted on the spot, her eyes dreamy as she gazed at Ginny.
"I was just doing some last minute shopping. Would you like to accompany us?" Harry waved goodbye to the other girls. By the time they were done shopping, Harry was about to hex the next person who ogled at his husband. He didn't appreciate how their eyes raked over him. Draco was his and no one else had the right to look at him like that.
"Harry dove, your magic is out." Draco's voice had him blinking as he looked around. Papa, father and Draco were all looking at him in concern.
"Good." He said firmly.
"Are you upset, pup?" He glared at everyone around them before answering.
"Everyone keeps looking at Draco! I wouldn't mind because have you seen him? But they keep taking second or even third glances and it's getting on my nerves. Maybe my magic will scare them away." By the end of his rant, his voice had a hissy quality to it.
"Don't worry about them, darling. No one will ever be able to make me take my eyes off of you. You shine like the sun and you're all mine." He promised. Harry leaned forward to kiss him as father Severus gagged loudly in the background.
"Sev, make them stop kissing!"


Viktor was happy to finally be back at school. He loved seeing his parents but his mother would only allow him to play Quidditch five hours a day! That was not enough time to hone his skill! He wouldn't be able to be the number one seeker in the world if he could only practice twenty five percent of the day. It was a ridiculous rule but he would never go against her. His mother was a formidable woman and Viktor wasn't an idiot. He unpacked his bag before leaving his dorm. He didn't really have any friends at Durmstrang but he didn't really care. He was here to learn magic until he could be drafted by a team. He walked towards the dining hall and started eating his stew. The Headmaster didn't appreciate loud noises so the students spoke quietly around themselves. Viktor personally thought Karkaroff was a scumbag who shouldn't be allowed to teach children but that was his opinion. As he dipped his bread into his bowl, the door was thrown open and a blonde girl stepped through. Her hands were on fire. He blinked before looking closely. Yup, her hands were still on fire.
"I am looking for Viktor Krum. Is he here?" Her voice was as cold as the temperature outside and he quickly ducked in his seat. All of the students turned to stare at him and he sighed. This is what he gets for ignoring them. They throw him to the wolves without hesitation.
"Hello, I am Viktor. Can I help you?" Her eyes trailed over him before she sneered.
"You cannot have him." She announced and stalked forward. He shoved more stew in his mouth before asking "who?"
"My love, Ron. I will not let you take him from me." He glanced at his Headmaster and saw the idiotic man was already too drunk to help.
"I don't know a Ron?" That seemed to enrage the girl more as her hands burned brighter.
"Are you saying my love is forgettable?" She screeched and started throwing actual fire balls at him. Fucking hell! How did this happen to him? He grabbed his bowl and dodged her attack.
"No! I don't know anyone named Ron!" He said around another mouthful of stew. He wasn't going to let her ruin his dinner!
"Then why did he say he had a crush on you?" She hissed, her nails dragging along the wall and leaving gashes behind. He couldn't help but be impressed with her dedication to this unknown boy.
"Ah not to interrupt you, Feuerwehrfrau but Viktor gets fan mail. Perhaps your geliebt meant he just really liked him." A vaguely familiar boy said. She paused before saying "So you are not try to steal him away from me?" Viktor snorted and said "Merlin no, I'm sure he's a lovely lad but I'm focused on my career."
"Hmm I see. I would apologize but Draco said you should never apologize for defending your other half." She explained and grabbed a bowl of stew before sitting down. He slowly joined her before choking on his next bite as her words caught up to him.
"Draco? As in Draco Malfoy?" Merlin, he should've known the other boy had something to do with this! He knew he would have a fit over his letter but he didn't think he would send an irate Veela after him.
"Oui, I am a part of the HFC." She said proudly and flipped her hair over her shoulder.
"Ah, Harry has told me about his club!"
"You know "Arry? My pater is his uncle so he is basically my younger brother." She cut a piece of bread off the loaf and toasted it on her hands. He watched in envy. The Headmaster forbade any of them to light the fireplaces unless it was for their school work. She noticed his gaze and gave him a slice. Maybe she wasn't so bad! As he crunched on his toast, he continued "Ah! Harry told me he was going to a wedding this summer. Congratulations." She smiled at him and one the boys next to him blurted out "I'm going to be the next Minster!" Viktor gave him an odd look.
"What are you talking about? Your father is a sheep herder!" He had overheard the other boy bragging about how warm he was from all the wool his family collected from their herd. The girl stood up and said "I should get going. Thank you for the meal." He scrambled up and asked "what's your name?"
"Fleur Delacour. If I catch you sniffing around my darling Ron, I will feast on your still beating heart." She threatened and he gasped.
"That was wicked! I have goosebumps! Maybe we can write to each other? I always need ideas for trash talking other teams on the pitch." She gave him a considering look before agreeing. After she left, he noticed she had toasted the rest of the loaf. What a wonderful girl!

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