Chapter 155. Leaving The House

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Angela not-so-subtly stared at his neck, and Jake almost couldn't restrain himself from rolling his eye. Tristan was upstairs, getting ready for today's outing, while Gabriel had gone to his room to call Misha. He was thus left alone with his mother.

Gabriel had worked his magic earlier and convinced Angela to let them take Tristan to the aquarium. Honestly, how could his brother be so good at leading her by the nose? It was almost comical. He turned the conversation around however he pleased, and she unknowingly accepted to allow Tristan to go outside after over a month of confinement at home. The kidnapping incident had scared her witless, and Angela feared someone would snatch her boy again if she let him out of her sight.

"You don't have to worry," Gabriel had said. "Even if something were to happen, we would protect him. You know we wouldn't hesitate to give our lives to keep him safe, so be at ease."

Gabriel's sweet-coated words comforted Angela, and she stopped fidgeting. She then took a peek at her eldest son, or more accurately, at the eye patch covering his empty eye socket.

His skin grew itchy under his mother's stare, and Jake almost couldn't resist touching the eye patch. Even now, he still couldn't understand why he had done what he had done. Tristan had made him go through hell in his past lives, and instead of protecting him, he should have tossed him under the butcher's knife. Yet, when Misha silently pleaded for help and his gaze landed on his little brother's frightened face.... His mouth moved on its own. Before Jake could understand what was going on, he had already offered to take Tristan's place and given up his eye.

"....Well done," Angela suddenly said, bringing Jake back to the present. He shifted his attention to her, and the sweet smile on her lips sent shivers crawling down his spine. "You were complaining yesterday, but you didn't delay before taking Stephan to your bed."

Jake responded with a snort, a look of contempt plastered on his face.

"Though it makes me happy, maybe you should hide this a little." Angela tapped her own neck. "It's a bit too visible."

"It's not my fault if that guy is savage in bed," Jake clicked his tongue. "I told him not to leave marks, but that ass—"

"Change your shirt into a turtleneck, will you?" Angela interrupted. "I don't want the house staff to spread some unsavory rumors about you. It could become a little troublesome if your father learns about it."


Not delaying any longer, Jake turned around and climbed the stairs two at a time. Soon after, the sound of a door being slammed resounded from the second floor. The walls shook, letting everyone know he was in a foul mood.

But after closing the door, the grumpy expression on his face disappeared, and Jake let out a mocking scoff. Since when had his mother ever cared about what the house staff and Matthew thought of him? She just didn't want to see the hickey, the undeniable proof that her son had slept with a man. Oh, well. Changing into a turtleneck had been in his plans. He didn't exactly want people to stare at his hickey at the aquarium and comment on his private life—being the subject of gossip wasn't something he had ever liked.

"I didn't think it'd turn this dark, though," Jake said as he looked at himself in the mirror, stretching his neck to get a better look. "It didn't even hurt...."

Far from hurting, Stephan's lips had been oddly gentle, leaving behind a warm and pleasant sensation. Jake even felt a tad regretful when it faded.

'What the hell am I thinking about?' Jake shook his head, deciding not to think about it further, and quickly put on a black turtleneck tank top. Summer was just around the corner, and the temperature had grown warmer over the past few days. A tank top and a pair of jeans would do the trick for today's trip to the aquarium.

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