Chapter 132. Give Them Back

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"GIVE ME BACK MY SONS!" The scream was shrill, enough to pierce people's eardrums. "GIVE THEM BACK, GIVE THEM BACK!"

Angela was yelling her lungs out in the living room, her voice growing hoarser by the second. Tears were ravaging her cheeks, and snot dripped from her nose; now, her face had nothing left of beautiful. Rather, it looked like a vengeful ghost's.

"It's your fault, your fault!" she repeated like a broken record, gripping her husband's shirt to shake him. "You should have just listened to their demands! If they send Tristan's eye next, what will we do!? What will we do...." She sniffled, then howled louder, "Just give up that damned route! You—"

"Calm down," Matthew said, the tone of his voice somewhat soothing. He hugged Angela, preventing her from ripping his collar, and sighed, "Alright, I'll comply with their demands. Shh, stop crying now."

"Just bring them back!" Angela buried her face in her husband's chest, her voice breaking as she repeated, "I want my sons back."

"And they will be back soon, I promise." Matthew placated his wife with gentle words, kissing the top of her head. "Shh, everything is going to be fine."



Standing a few meters away, Gabriel and Stephan coldly watched the scene unfold. They didn't make a sound, nor did they move. They were still to the point they resembled statues; it was as if they had become part of the background. And as such, the couple had momentarily forgotten them.

Not for long, of course, but long enough.

A dozen minutes ago or so, Gabriel had entered the house with the wooden box in his hands. He purposely gave it to his stepmother, who was more emotional than his cold-hearted father, and told her he had found it at the gate. Unlike a mail package, it didn't have a name or an address tag—simply put, it wasn't addressed to anyone. Regardless, he thought it was left for his parents, so he brought it inside.

Upon hearing these words, Angela's face paled. The next instant, she snatched the box from Gabriel's hands and opened it, then went into a frenzy after looking at its contents. Matthew, who stood by her side, could do nothing but bear his wife's wrath, trying to pacify her however he could. But Angela was blinded by anger, and whatever he said only added fuel to the fire.

After who knows how long, Matthew finally managed to calm his wife. Stroking his lover's back, he glanced at his son and Stephan, his emerald eyes appearing as detached from the world as always. It was as if what was happening had nothing to do with him.

"Could you go upstairs for a while? I'll deal with the situation at hand. I know you're worried about your brothers' safety, but don't call 911. The kidnappers were very clear on this. If they find out you contacted the police, they will kill the hostages right away."

Gabriel nodded, "I know. I won't put their lives in danger."

That being said, Gabriel and Stephan left the living room and climbed upstairs to Gabriel's bedroom. Once inside, Gabriel sat on the bed, his expression severe.

"Should we contact Misha's family...?" Stephan asked after a moment, appearing unsure of what to do now.

Back in the car, they hadn't called back Mrs. Brown after talking with the stranger on the phone because they didn't know what was going on. It wasn't like the man had stated his business clearly, and though Gabriel had a bad feeling, his intuition couldn't tell him what had actually happened. They had to figure out the situation first; only after could they think of telling Mrs. Brown what they knew.

"Better not. They won't stay calm and listen to what I say—you know how his family is. You also heard my father: the kidnappers will kill my brothers and Misha if someone gets in touch with the police. It doesn't matter who. As long as someone calls, they're dead."

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