NamJoon had YoonGi's head resting on his lap, he was looking at his face with concern and running his fingers through YoonGi's his hair. "YoonGi has an appointment at the hospital tomorrow afternoon and he's also being set up with a therapist." NamJoon whispered to me. "He's going to be okay, right?" I couldn't help but ask. "I really hope so Kook." He looked up at me then back at YoonGi. "Hurry up and change his underwear. I don't want to wake him up now that he seems to be sleeping. We can heat up the tea later when he wakes up and he needs to eat. He's been dropping weight too fast. You can already see a loss in muscle after he had worked so hard to gain all that muscle when we were serving." NamJoon continued looking down at YoonGi while his fingers carded through his hair. "Its a shame for him to lose it now." "You're right Joon Hyung. We'll make sure he eats breakfast tomorrow." We both nod in agreement.

     I quickly finished changing his underwear while looking only at his face hoping he doesn't wake up and freak out on me. I put some of my old shorts from when I was smaller on him. My clothes are big on him but it'll be okay for now. Joon layed him back down on the pillow he had previously been sleeping on, he grabbed the tea he had brought in and headed to the door. "JK?" "Yes?" I managed to whisper back. "Let's not say anything to the others about what we just saw. Not until after he sees the doctor. That way we'll know more about what happened. This is going to be hard enough for him." "Okay Hyung. I agree." NamJoon then walked out of my room, locking my door and closing it.

     I crawled back into my bed, pulling YoonGi into my body, and gently ran my fingers through his hair. "I'm not going anywhere Gi. Please please don't hurt yourself anymore." I whisper to him even though he's already asleep. I can feel a tear slowly roll down my cheek as I kissed his forehead and held him close until I finally drift back to sleep holding him in my arms.

 I can feel a tear slowly roll down my cheek as I kissed his forehead and held him close until I finally drift back to sleep holding him in my arms

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-Next Morning-

YoonGi's POV

     "Ugh..." My head is killing me. I try to get up but that's when I realize I'm laying in someone's arms. 'I'm home right? I'm not back with Jay am I?' My breaths become ragged and my chest feels tight again. "Sh.... Gi I got you. You're okay. Sh... Its okay Gi." His voice was soft and sweet. His hands were in my hair, his fingers gently playing with locks of my hair. "I...I... Kookie?" My voice was barely a whisper. Our legs were intertwined. His arms were wrapped around me. "Does anyone else call you Gi?" He asked gently. "No." I whispered back. "I was just..." "You were just...?" He questioned me. My arm was wrapped around his waist and I couldn't help but pull him in close. This might be wrong but for the first time in years I feel... safe. "You were scared and panicked?" He gently asked. I took a few seconds not sure how I should answer then I decided to go with the truth. I whispered back to him, "Yes."

     JungKook lowered one hand down my back rubbing small soothing circles and whispering in my ear. "I got you Gi. You are safe. I am here." I pressed my face closer to his neck and inhaled deep. 'God this man smells like... home. He feels like... home.' My head is killing me and my body hurts all over. I really just want to stay here in JungKookies arms all day.

     "I'm sorry." Barely a whisper the words slip through my lips. "I'm so sorry." I can feel my tears building in my eyes. I burry my face into JungKookie's chest trying to hold back my tears threatening to escape yet again.

'So fucking weak.'

'I know...'


'I really am.'

     "No Gi. You have nothing to be sorry for. You didn't do anything wrong. Gi look at me." He placed his hand under my chin lifting it and making me look up at him. 'I just hate myself so much right now. I never deserved to have Kookie.' "Gi what's wrong? Please talk to me." My tears have started to spill and I can no longer hold them back. JungKookie pulls me in close again. "Its okay Gi. I'm here when you're ready." He kissed the top of my head and held me close, almost like he was afraid I'd disappear. I wrapped my arm around JungKook's waist clenching onto his shirt and holding him close I close my eyes trying to forget about all the physical pain I feel, trying to stop my mind from wandering all over the place, and trying not to think about the fact that I probably seem so pathetic right now.

JungKook's POV

     "I'm not going anywhere Gi." I spoke softly into his ear. I don't want him to feel alone. I wish he would talk to me but I know this is hard for him. For now I'll just hold him and make sure he knows he is safe here.

     I noticed that YoonGi had fallen back to sleep and I'm not too far behind him. I closed my eyes to be woken up by a knock on my door. "JK, its Hobi. Jin said breakfast is ready." "Okay Hyung. I'll be out soon." I lay in bed holding YoonGi for a few more minutes then I slowly untangle myself from him not wanting to wake him up yet. I make my way downstairs to the table for breakfast. Everyone is looking at me then at the stairs leading up to our bedrooms obviously expecting YoonGi to come down. "He had a rough night. He didn't sleep well so I thought we could give him another hour or two before we woke him up to eat." I quickly explained. They all nodded in agreement. HoSeok was sitting next to me and nudged me with his elbow a little. When I look over at him he directed my attention to my phone. I decided to check it.


Hobi Hyung

Hobi Hyung:
I know YoonGia really well and
I know how much he tries to put up
walls and be strong for everyone.
He doesn't take care of himself
but he is always right here taking care of us.
I believe you want to take care of him.
If I'm right, I will help as much as I can.
You will have to be careful with him though
and it won't be easy.
JK I believe you love him and I believe
you are strong enough to help get him
through all of this.

I do love him Hyung.
How did you know?

Hobi Hyung:
I'm really glad to hear that JK.
Mini made a few comments that
made me think you might and
I've noticed the way you are with him.
Don't worry though Mini didn't say anything.
I'll help you with him as much as I can.

Was I that obvious?

Hobi Hyung:
Yes and no.
I just really paid attention.
I'm not too sure if anyone else
would of noticed.

So you don't think I'm crazy
for wanting to be with him.

Hobi Hyung:
Not at all.
I would love to see you guys
finally be happy together.

Awe... Hyung... Thanks!

Hobi Hyung:
Of course!
I'm always here for you guys.


     After Hobi Hyung and I finished our quick little conversation through text I felt better. Kind of like some weight was lifted off my chest.

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