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I wince at the loud voice of my stepfather. 

"If you don't get your ass down here, right now," He yelled. I sigh and climb off my bed and make my way to the living room. My stepdad lay on the couch with a bottle of rum in his hand. He looks at me and frowns. "Where the fuck is my dinner, Maya?" He asked. 

I gulp and start nervously scratching at my arms. Something I did to distract myself or whenever I was nervous. 

"I forgot Jackson," I mumble looking down at my bare feet. 

He sighs and stands up. He walks over to me and grabs a fist full of my curly hair. He yanks on it so I was looking directly at him. He leans in so we were face to face. I could smell his stinky breath and try not to coward away from him. He lifts his other hand and begins stroking my cheek.

"You look so much like your mother, He said stroking my cheek. "Yet so stupid at the same time," He said slapping me hard. 

I bite back a cry knowing it'll make him even angrier.

"Go make my dinner you useless, slut," He mumbles pushing me towards the kitchen. I stumble a bit but catch my balance as I make my way toward the fridge. Some eggs and a pack of bacon. I walk over to the stove and begin making Jackson his breakfast. 

"Goodmorning, bubbles," Mom said as she walked into the kitchen. She grabs the back of my neck and smiles down at me. She lightly hits my face before letting me go. She walks over to the cabinet and grabs a granola bar. She sits at the table and takes a bite of it.

Mom was worse than Jackson. She was the one who began the abuse when I was only 4. She would act sweet to you one minute and the next she was beating you with ever she could find. Then afterward she'll pretend everything was fine. Which I liked so we could enjoy being a family. 

She worked 2 jobs since Jackson refuse to get one himself. She worked at the supermarket and then at the bar. She was come home tired and frustrated and would take her anger out on me and my brother Andrew. 

Andrew is in college on a football scholarship. The only reason he won't leave home is because he refuses to leave behind with Jackson and mom. But won't come home for days at a time. 

I finish making Jackson breakfast and nicely decorate his plate. I smile as I place it down on the table. I pour him some coffee in his #1 dad cup, that I got him for Christmas. Andrew yelled at me for giving it to him. But to be fair Jackson's the only dad I know. Even though he came into my life 7 years ago.

I slowly walk into the living room and look around. Jackson was smoking as he watched the tv. 

"Jackson," I call out to him. 

Jackson turns around and scrunches his eyebrows. "Your breakfast is ready," I mumble picking at my fingernails. He stands up and walks into the kitchen. I watch him kiss my mother's cheek before he sits down. He takes a small bite of his food before he nods in approval. I let out a breath as he begins to eat. 

I walk upstairs and inside my room. I close the door behind me and walk over to my drawer. I pull on some clothes and place them on my bed. I grab my coat off the chair in the corner of my room and place it beside my clothes and quickly get dressed.

 I grab my coat off the chair in the corner of my room and place it beside my clothes and quickly get dressed

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I grab a hair tie and pull my shoulder length brown curls into a ponytail. I curl my babyhairs and smile at myself in the mirror. I look at my braces and sigh. I looked horrible with braces but since my dentist recommend them and my mom likes to look like a good parent she agreed for me to have them. She endeded up getting a beaten from Jackson for spending so much money. 

I grab my black bookbag off the floor and make my way downstairs. Mom stood next to the door slipping on her shoes. He short curly black hair was tied into a ponytail onto of her head as she wore her work uniform which consented of a green shirt and black jeans. Her skin was darker than mine since I was biracial. My father who I never met was white and my mom is Ghana decent since both my grandparents were both born in raised there. My mother was born and raise in America. 

She looks up at me and gives a tight smile. She grabs her purse and keys before walking out the apartment door. 

I wait a few seconds before following behind her. 

I put in my earphone and press play on my out to date phone. Mom and Jackson refuse to get me a new one since they said this one was in perfect condition. 

I walk down the staircase of the apartment building and walk into the small lobby. An younger woman with red hair and red lips sat behind the desk. I wave to her and she waves back. I walk through the glass doors that had cardboard covering one of them since some kids busted it. 

I walk down the street and get lost into Arianna Grande. 

I hum along to the lyrics and look down at my feet. 

I get to my school in 20 minutes and the bell rings just as I push through the heavy blue doors. 

I walk down the hallways and walk inside my classroom. I take a seat in the middle of the room and start unpacking my beloninging. 

The bell rings a second time and kids starts walking inside ignoring my existence. But I smile anyways. Happy to just be here. 

Author's Note-

I just couldn't help myself.

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