Capture on Kiros

691 21 15

Name: Seren
Titles: Executioner
Age: 20
Height: 5'7
Weight: 98lbs
Hair color: red but dyed brown
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Third Person
"It looks like Zygerria is a popular place these days," Anakin muttered as he piloted the shuttle. "Hmm, whatever is happening is attracting plenty of high-class scum." Obi-Wan drawled as they flew in closer to the slaver planet.

Time Skip
"Let's just hope the information our spies gave us about the Queen is accurate. Remember, I'll keep her occupied, while you locate the missing people of Kiros." Anakin reminded. Obi-Wan raised his brow as he placed on the zygerrian helmet. "How do you plan on keeping the Queen occupied?" He quizzed. "Well..with my magnetic charm, of course," Anakin smirked. "Oh, yes, of course." Obi-Wan sighed. "Hold onto this, will you, buddy." Anakin smiled as he tossed his treasured lightsaber to his droid companion. Obi-Wan tossed the lightsaber at R2D2. The droid hid the lightsabers within his frame and dutifully followed after his friend. The disguised Jedi and captain walked out into the hot Zygerrian sun and squinted their eyes to gaze into the populated city. "Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?" Ahsoka grumbled. "I tried it once. I wasn't any good at it." Anakin sighed. "Besides, the role of master comes easily to me." He grinned as he crossed his arms. "Really? Well, this time try to be convincing at it." Ahsoka growled as she placed her hands on her hips. The Jedi and Captain began their track into the city, staring in awe at the technological advancements of their surroundings. Ahsoka walked beside Anakin as they moved deeper into the city. "Ugh, how can a civilization this advanced still practice slavery?" Ahsoka asked as she looked at her teacher. "It makes them wealthy and powerful at the expense of others. Before the Hutts bought my mother, she was sold in a market just like this." Anakin growled furiously as they pressed forward. Suddenly a Twi'lik slave collapsed to the ground. The Zygerrian slave owner pushed the other aside and stood before the weaken turquoise slave. "Get up, you useless Skug!" The Zygerrian growled. "Master, the bonds, they are too heavy." The Twi'lik shriveled. "Tell it to my whip!" She roared as he yanked out his whip ready to bring it down upon the fallen man. Then suddenly a hand stopped it. Glaring defiantly at the man stood Ahsoka. "You, don't want to do that," Ahsoka warned. The man turned around and stepped up to the Padawan. "Ah, you dare touch me!" He hissed as a surveillance droid whizzed to the scene. "Excuse my slave, friend. She is freshly caught." Anakin began. "Hmm, what have we here?" The man inquired as two guards hurried over. "You wear Zygerrian armor, but you are not one of us." The man stated. "Who are you." "I've come for an audience with the Queen." "Then you have an invitation. We can't just let anyone in to speak to Her Majesty." The man said with a raised brow. "No invitation, but I do bring news. News the Queen will be eager to hear." Anakin replied. "I doubt that. You are nothing more than a brigand." He growled. "I wouldn't say that, especially when the Queen learns you prevented her from hearing the news about Bruno Denturri," Anakin smirked. The man stepped up to the hidden Jedi. "Halt! Cease all hostilities! This man is to be brought to the palace by order of the Queen." The droid announced. The guards began to lead Anakin and Ahsoka to the palace allowing the Captain and General to begin their search.

Time Skip to the Palace
The two Jedi walked into the throne room where the Queen sat and standing at her side was an short woman who bore golden armor. Ahsoka stared up at the woman in awe and slight fear. The woman wore a helmet over her face to cover her expression, but her hair was tied carefully in a tight braid that dangled behind her. Her arms were held behind her back as the woman stood like a tree beside the Queen. The red lenses covering the woman's eyes as she stared down at the young padawan. A cold feeling ran down the girl's back as she tore her eyes away from the armored woman. The Queen looked down upon her guest and raised her brow. "My Queen, I present Lars Quell." "Hmm. So you're the man, who claims to be acquainted with Bruno Denturri?" The Queen inquired.

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