How you meet (NARUTO)

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You were walking home from training,just minding your business,when a yellow
blurb slammed you to the ground.
"Ow,that hurt",you were pretty sour from training,and that body slam
didn't help you.
"I'm sorry miss,let me help you up",the blurb exclaimed with his extended hand.
You gladly took it,but your back started hurting."Thank you."
You said,trying to focus on him."No problem,my name is Naruto Uzumaki,
and I'm going to be the Hokage someday,believe it!"
He said with a fist pump."Yes,I do believe it."


You were just sitting in a tree,minding your business when a kunai
missed you by an inch.
"What th---",you said before kissing the ground."Ow."
"Are you okay?'You look up with your bruised face,seeing a boy
with hair styled like a duck's butt.You were pretty pissed off at him.
"Am I okay?You were the one that threw the kunai!?"You exclaimed,clearly looking pissed.
"Un."He said before walking away.You were left there stunned with a purple face.


You were walking in a field,your head up in the clouds,when you slipped on something.
You were about to hit the ground,when arms caught you.Yawn
"You need to be more careful",the guy with pineapple shaped hair said.
You blushed feeling embarrassed about tripping on him."I'm sorry,it will never happen again."
He smirked.He felt like a father criticizing his child.You surely were interesting.


You were running some errands,when you were suddenly surrounded in sand.
A rouge ninja was robing you,when he fell down,looking pretty much dead.
You were to scared to open your eyes,when a voice spoke.
"It's okay he's gone."You looked up at a boy with short red hair.You were very thankful.
You gave him a homemade red velvet cupcake that matched his hair.
You both said goodbye and went your separate ways,hoping to bump into each other
yet again.


You are good friends with Hinata,best friends to be precise,but you never met
her cousin Neji.You picture him as a normal guy with blank eyes.
So,one day,you decided to visit Hinata and talk to her about NAruto.
You knocked on the door.A while later a guy(you think) opened the door with his shirt off
showing his well defined abs.For a 13 year old he has a great body.
You snapped out of your daze,locking eyes with him."May I help you",the guy said rather
irritated."Um,sorry for disturbing you is Hinata here?"He looked at you
questionably,and called Hinata.She came quickly and saw you."Aw (Y/N)-chan please come in."
You smiled and entered passing by Neji,who was quite intrigued.


You were in a park sitting on the ground,playing with a stick,when a small white dog tackled you.
It started barking and wiggling his tail.You realized that the stick you
were holding was his.You giggled and gave it to him,
resulting in him laying on top of you.You started laughing,when a boy with a hoodie came.
"Akamaru",he said.Seeing your situation he started to laugh.
You blushed feeling embarrassed.He just laughed and took Akamaru away from you.
"Sorry about that,my name is Kiba",he said smirking at your face
"I'm (Y/N).""Nice to meet you,girl of my dreams."


You were starving and decided to go to a BBQ place.When you arrived
the only available seat was next to a boy.
"Excuse me",you said,and the boy looked up,his eyes wide and mouth open,
"can I sit with you,please!"He smiled and you sat down eating with him and talking about life.
"Thank you for the meal Choji-san,but I could've payed."
"Nonsense a girl like you should never pay for anything,except for your beauty."
You blushed,and you guys said your goodbyes and went home.


You were watching a butterfly,amazed by her wing patterns,
when "sorry to interrupt,can I join you?"You looked seeing a guy with goggles watching you.
"Sure,no problem",you said smiling and turning your attention back to the creature.
The boy knelt down and started explaining about different
aspects of butterfly's,you listening carefully.


You were kidnapped and tied to a tree,when a guy in a green spandex
kick their butts,and saved the day.
"Today the blossom blooms as much as the fair maiden I saved."
You blushed and said:"Thank you kind stranger my name is (Y/N)"
"My name is Rock Lee!"
"Well,Lee-san how can I repay you?"
"Meeting you is the biggest reward anyone could get."
"I have to go Lee,thank you for everything,see you"and with that
you ran off."She's going to be mine someday."

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