Fist Fights & Muggles-Everyone Is Angry and They Are Going To Show It

Start from the beginning


"Are you sure you'll be alright, my love?" Harry just kissed his cheek.
"I'm just going to take a nap, Draco. It'll be boring just watching me sleep. All I'm asking is for you to just take a nice relaxing walk. I'd hate for you to get sick because we've been living in each other's pocket." With his pretty green eyes boring into his, he had no choice but to agree.
"I'll be back after my walk, I swear!" Draco promised and kissed the back of his lover's hand.
"I'll be right here." Harry yawned and snuggled deeper under the covers. Draco was going to get this dumb walk over with and get back to Harry quickly. He was doing a brisk jog when he saw a crowd of students. Curious, he wandered over and felt his temper flare after hearing the blasphemy from the Gryffindor girl.
"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. What did you just say?" The students parted before him as he stalked up to Vane, Ginny at his side. The girl had guts, he'd give her that. She stood taller and repeated what she said.
"That's what I thought. I don't know if you truly believe what you're saying or if you're just stupid. Judging by your last name, I'm inclined to think you're stupid. You have no right to even speak Harry's name, let alone think he'd ever look at you twice." The girl just glared at him and said "Everyone thinks it's weird how clingy you are! What, afraid Harry's going to find someone better?" He ground his teeth together and tried breathing through his nose. How dare this little rodent try and steal away his beloved? Harry was his most precious person, his soulmate!
"I hate to break it to you girl, but I'm the best there is. Harry and I were meant to be together. It's Fate." He knew it in his heart. There would be no path for him to walk except for the one beside Harry.
"Don't make me laugh! We all know you don't really love Harry, you're probably just using him to forward your Dark agenda." His fragile hold on his rage snapped and he lost control. He dragged his nails down the girl's cheek before she could blink. She gave a screech and shoved him away. She didn't have a chance to get too far because Ginny Weasley was on her in a matter of seconds. She was slamming her fists into Vane's face, her face twisted up in rage. Her friends joined in and Draco wasn't about to let those idiots gang up on his club member. It was his responsibility as Club President to watch out for his fellow members.


Sirius sneered at the drab Muggle neighborhood. He almost wished Bellatrix was there with him. Sure, she might have done some muggle hunting but it would have added some life to the boring community. The houses were all the same, like someone had just copy and pasted them down the block.
"Keep your head, Sirius." Sev warned and he nodded his acknowledgment. He wouldn't hurt the woman too much. Well nothing they could prove in court. Lucius was gathering his lawyers so it was up to him, Sev and Cissy to confront Lily's sister about her treatment of Harry.
"Here it is. Number Four, the woman was rude last time so be on guard." Cissy said as she knocked. The door opened to reveal a large boy with blonde hair and what looked like the beginning of a heart condition. Merlin, what was the woman feeding her son?
"What do you want?" He narrowed his eyes at the brat and Sev answered before he could.
"We're here to see Petunia Evans, is she home?" The pig in a wig just shouted out behind him "mum, it's for you!" before stomping upstairs. Petunia had a smile on her face as she went to greet them. It dropped as soon as she realized who they were.
"You!" She spat out, her eyes never leaving Severus's.
"Hello Tuney, aren't you going to invite us in?" His teeth were bared as he twirled his wand. She glared at them but led them to her sitting room. It was tacky in a non magical way. There were no moving photos or color of any sort. How bland, he sniffed.
"What do you want?" Her back was stiff as she sat down on the chair.
"I've come to talk to you about Harry. He's sick and I was curious as to why he never got his shots." Sirius made his voice cold, like his Mother when she used to deal with unsavory people.
"I never had the time. He always got better anyway so what does it matter?" You can't kill the wench, he chanted to himself as he tried to control his anger.
"What do you mean? I'm assuming your son had his shots so why would Harry be any different?" Cissy asked the other woman, her fingers drumming on the arm of the couch.
"Because my son is not a freak." Her voice was filled with disgust as she spat out the last word. He clamped his hand on Severus's thigh so he couldn't jump up and curse the muggle woman.
"Tuney, you better not say that word in my presence again." Sev threatened her.
"It's the truth, Snape! His freakishness always healed him so there was no use in getting the boy his shots. The little freak barely deserved to be around normal people as it was. He was lucky for everything we gave him."
"Gave him? You didn't give him anything but a lot of trauma we're trying to work through!" Sirius barked out, his hands curled into fists. Petunia just gave a cold laugh.
"The freak deserved every minute of it. It's his own fault he couldn't control his freakishness. I can't count how many times he nearly destroyed his cupboard with it." She froze as soon as she said the words and Madame Bones voice rang out in the silence.
"I think I've heard enough." She dropped the disillusionment charm and walked away from the corner she had been standing in.
"Hello Mrs. Dursley. My name is Madame Bones and I am the Head of the Magical Law Enforcement Department." He had never seen someone pale so quickly.
"Wait just a mome-" Amelia silenced the woman and bound her to her chair.
"Now where is the cupboard she was speaking about?"

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