I watch him at the corner of my eye as he takes his first bite. And when he tastes it he nods his head like it's good. At that I turn to him when he is done chewing and catch him off surprise when I grab his face and kiss him. I pull away to see his shocked face as he says,

"Not that I am complaining Amore but that was unexpected."

"Enzo you just passed the biggest test that will come in our relationship."

"And what test is that baby girl?"

"If you enjoy the best chinese food in New York city. My last boyfriend hated it so if you did it would be a red flag."

"Ok good i'm glad I passed."

So he kisses me on the cheek and goes on to eat his food as we converse in between bites. It is just a nice night to be tired with someone you Lo...Like.

I get my big blanket from my bedroom and cuddle up to Enzo on my couch. I throw some of the blanket on him so that we are sharing and I grab the remote to scroll through netflix to find a movie. But before I can find a movie Enzo taps me on the shoulder so that he gets my attention and I look back at him.

"Amore I have something serious to tell you."

So I sit up worried because everything has been perfect so far and I don't need him to ruin anything if it is something to worry about. And by the look on his face it looks like I should be worried. But he looks at my face and doesn't say anything.

"Enzo, just tell me."

"I'm in the mafia."

When he said that air whooshed out of me. Don't get me wrong it's a big deal but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. So I am a little relieved.

"Ok explain this to me."

He looks at me like I am crazy but still explains cautiously. "Well it's the family business my dad and mom were born into. My dad is the Don or leader of the Italian mafia and he is stepping down sunday."

"So who is the new Don?"

"Amore I am stepping up as the new don. Are you ok."

"Yeah, give me a second."

And he does. All I can think about is the fact that I really don't care. I know the risks, and the dangers. "I have one question. Do you sell drugs or women?"

"No Amore we never sold women, even my grandpa sold drugs but my papa stopped that when he became Don."

"Ok" that's not horrible. I could get past this easily. I already really like this guy a lot and I am willing to try with him.

"I'm not too worried Enzo. I mean I know that it can be dangerous..."

"When people are aware of you they will target you cause you will be my weakness. But I will protect you in all the ways that I possibly can."

"Enzo I trust you and a positive to this is now I can confirm mafia men are hot." And I laugh at his smug face as I lay back down on his abs and scroll through the movies and tv shows as I think about what he just told me. I feel like I took it well, It makes sense what he tells me with his tattoos and money. If it gets bad, which I doubt it will, I can always figure out a way to leave. But even thinking about leaving makes my stomach hurt.

Enzo's hand goes through my hair as I look at shows to watch and when I land on is it cake? I love cake so I look up at Enzo to see him already staring down at me and nod to the TV at a silent question.

"Amore I will watch anything with you. Even if it's about fake cake." He says in his deep accent that just makes him even hotter. So I nod happily at what he said and I click the watch button and attempt to get up when my arms wrap around me tighter and stop me from trying.

"Enzo, I am going to get popcorn." And I laugh as I say "Let go."

"Amore I just want to hold you. When you get popcorn can you sit here and let me hold you." He is very serious when he says this.

"Of course, anytime you know that. But I need popcorn to watch this show."

So I head off and make us popcorn really quick and as soon as I sit down he pulls me into him and we cuddle the rest of the night. When I feel like I am about to doze off, Enzo brings me into my room and plops on the bed with him on top of me. I wake up a little and feel enzo kiss down my neck. By the time he got to my lips I was fully awake. He was hovering over my lips teasing me when I just went for it and kissed him. He groaned into my mouth when I rolled over and sat right on top of his erection.he groaned and came up to kiss my neck again and before he can go farther I grind on him and he drops his head with a groan as I do the same.

"Amore if you don't want to go farther you're gonna have to stop."

"Ok." And I go on to kiss down his chest all the way to his v that trails into his pants and make my way up. When I come up I can see he wants more but I feel powerful right now so I lay beside him and look him straight in the eyes with a smirk on my face and say. "I don't think we should go farther." And he groans as I chuckle because I know I just tortured him. But he still lays back down.

So now I am cuddling up to Enzo and I feel his erection so I try to move up a little, but Enzo grabs my ass and just pushes me up against it as he says, "Yeah let's go to bed."

We go to bed against each others will and I will say I am glad that I get to spend my nights with Enzo no matter how far they go.

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