First Dates & Trains-Neville Has a Moat? Wicked!

Start from the beginning


Draco watched his Vice-President order the Weasley twins around. They seemed happy to follow her direction. The door opened to reveal Neville and Ron. Neville sat down and began digging in his pockets.
"Here! It's an invitation to our annual summer solstice party. Gran said I could invite my friends." He handed them out, including Cousin Tonks and Diggory who joined their compartment.
"Wicked! I hear Longbottom Manor has a moat!" Cousin Tonks said, her hair turning a bright pink. "Yes! You'll get to meet Greta and Gertrude, our crocodiles!" Neville smiled at everyone.
"I'm sorry, your what?" Herm asked, her eyes wide. Harry looked just as shocked. Did muggles not have crocodiles guarding their homes? His parents had thought of getting some before they decided a moat would ruin the ambiance of the manor.
"Our crocodiles! It's a Longbottom tradition. I picked Greta and Gertrude out myself. They're actually very sweet. You can feed them too!" Harry cocked his head to the side "do you think I would be able to understand them? I mean they are reptiles." Herm got that look in her eyes that indicated she was about to start a project.
"That reminds me! Harry, do you think you could teach someone Parseltongue?" Ron asked, his face shining. Draco leaned forward and patted his arm. "Sorry mate, it's like being a metamorphmagus. You have to be born with it." Ron's shoulders slumped and Harry was quick to say "I can at least try and teach you a few words. That way if you ever get a pet snake, you could teach it to bite on command!" He offered. His fiancé was so kind! He would have to add this moment into his vows. They were already four pages long but he could squeeze it in. As Harry and Ron hissed at each other, he looked at Cousin Tonks.
"Mother said you would be joining us when we go to the beach this year." He said. He couldn't wait to build sandcastles with Harry. Cousin Tonks could take plenty of pictures with them!
"Yes! Mum is already packing a first aid kit." Tonks laughed. Diggory spoke up and said "oh is that the beach trip you invited me on, Tonks?" Draco felt his neck crack as he snapped his head around to look at homewrecker Diggory.
"Absolutely not! You are not going near Harry in a swimsuit!" He snarled at the other boy. Over his dead body would that tart see his precious husband in his swimwear! He would not stand for it.
"Draco! How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like Harry like that?" Cedric sighed.
"Oh are you saying you're too good for my lovely fiancé?" How dare he! Draco would have Dobby shave off his eyebrows to bring the other boy down a peg.
"I'm not saying that at all!" Got him, he thought triumphantly.
"So you are interested in him! I knew it, pretty boy Diggory!"


Ron couldn't stop his grin. Harry told him he had mastered saying "pretty" in Parseltongue! He was planning on charming all the snakes in the back garden. Maybe he could even take a couple back to school! After Kreacher checked them over first, of course. He gave a sigh as Herm shrunk his trunk. The girl really was brilliant. He wouldn't be surprised if she was top of their class! He was pretty sure the twins were her henchman though. They always seemed to be around her. He almost felt bad for them but he was just glad it wasn't him. As they got off the train, he followed Harry and Draco to their parents. Mr. Black was holding hands with Professor Snape and he couldn't help high fiving Herm. Looks like Operation Godfathers was a success! Mr. Black picked Harry up and was crying about missing his sweet godson. Ron hoped his friend had a growth spurt soon so people stopped manhandling him. Harry didn't seem to mind too much though.
"Hi Ron!" Ginny said from his side causing him to scream. Clutching his chest, he turned to his sister. "Merlin Gin, are you trying to kill me?" He wheezed out. She gave him a slow grin and said "if I was trying to kill you, you would know it." He couldn't help but shudder. Ginny was scary. He hid behind Herm and ignored his little sister. She gave Harry a wide smile and said "Hi Harry! You look as cute as you did at the Malfoy Ball!" She announced, causing Draco to hiss at her like an angry cat.
"There you are boys!" His mum came over, dragging Percy with her. His cheeks were flushed and Ron felt his mouth drop open as one of the twins whistled.
"Merlin Perce, is that a hickey on your neck?" His older brother ducked his head.
"Be quiet!" Ron saw Marcus Flint strutting towards his parents and couldn't help his laughter. He looked like a proud peacock!


Lucius couldn't help his snort as the Weasley boy tried to unsuccessfully cover his neck. He looked like he had gotten mauled by a toothless bear. He gave Narcissa a side look. Ah, he remembered those days. So passionate. He had worn a scarf his whole fourth year.
"Harry dear, you'll be excited to know your snake enclosure is finished and we have a special surprise for you." Cissy told him, causing the boy to squeak. It was heartwarming how excited he got about snakes.
"Our house is also finished, Harry! Granny had me put snakes everywhere so I'm sure you'll love it!" Sirius interrupted. He saw Cissy move her wand causing his hair to turn blue. The children all suddenly had coughing fits as they tried not to laugh. Severus just rolled his eyes at their antics. He was pleased his friend was in a relationship. He had been alone too long.
"Father, I see you're still stepping on my toes." His son said coldly.
"Perhaps if you had more free time, you would have been able to beat me to it son." He bragged.
"At least I do something productive with my time. Didn't you just rearrange your office for the tenth time this week?" His little brat said.
"I'm sure you're just jealous you don't have an office of your own. Perhaps when you get a little bigger." He said slyly, causing his precious boy to blush bright red.
"You're so childish I'm surprised Mother allows you to have one!" Draco jeered. Before he could clap back, his wife smacked them both on the back of their heads.
"That's enough of that! It's finally summer and our whole family is together." She said happily. They soon said goodbye to the Weasley's. He watched Draco stand protectively in front of Harry to hide him from the youngest Weasley.
"Bye guys! See you next month for the next HFC meeting." The ginger haired boys called out.
"I suppose that's my cue!" Miss. Granger said.
"Make sure you write to me or I'll be VERY upset." His boys nodded before they gave her a hug. "Make sure you take down any questions you might have while we're apart, Vice President."
"Of course, President!" She replied brightly before skipping away.
"Alright children! Are you ready for the best summer ever?" Sirius asked.
"Yes Siri!" Harry replied, smiling happily at them all. He watched Draco clutch his chest and cry out "so cute!" Lucius picked up his precious Hufflepuff son and ran off. He could hear Draco and Sirius chasing him and he laughed as Severus and Cissy sighed. It was about to be a crazy summer. Hopefully the manor was still standing by September!

*End of Year One*

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