Board Meetings & Bedtime Stories-Arthur Weasley Knows Malfoy is Up To Something

Start from the beginning


Lucius loved school board meetings. They met at the Ministry once a month. He had loved Hogwarts and he wanted to help make changes to the magical school. Of course that was easier said than done. Dumbledore loved to block half the bills he tried to pass and the other members eating out of his hand blocked the other half. Hopefully with Sirius on the board he could actually get some things changed!
"Are you ready?" Sirius was pulling at the ends of his sleeves. His face smoothed out into a perfect pureblood mask before he said "I was born ready, love." Entering the room he immediately noticed Mr. McLaggen chatting to the other members. He had thought that McLaggen Sr. would have resigned after Harry destroyed his pride in two short weeks. He still couldn't believe his sweet Hufflepuff son had done that.
"If everyone would gather around, Lucius has a potential member he wants to introduce." Bathilda Bagshot called out. She had been the head of the council since Lucius was in school. The old battle ax was never going to resign. He stepped forward and said "I vote to let Lord Black join the council. I think he would make an excellent addition." Amelia Bones spoke up "and why should we let a former Azkaban inmate on the council?" Sirius stepped forward and said "as you know Amelia, I was wrongfully imprisoned. Perhaps if the Auror's had done their jobs, I would have been proven innocent to begin with" and watched the Head of the Auror Department flinch. Dirk Cressell spoke out "why do you want to be on the board, Lord Black?"
"As many of you know, I went to Hogwarts and I loved every minute of it," he gave a boyish grin before continuing "I would love to give back to the school that gave so much to me." He could see some of the members nodding their heads. "Should we vote?"
"All in agreement, raise your hand!" Bathilda said. He watched in satisfaction as everyone but Emmeline Vance raised their hand. She was firmly in Dumbledore's pocket so he wasn't surprised.
"Welcome Lord Black to the school board!"
After a rather boring meeting, they left the room and went into the elevator. Mr. McLaggen caught up to them right before the doors shut. The man was whistling. How annoying. He thought his child could hurt his son and get away with it? Of course, Harry's revenge had been absolutely adorable. He was so proud of his boy. Looking at Sirius, he leaned over and stopped the elevator. McLaggen Sr. looked at him before saying "is everything alright, Lord Malfoy?"
"I just wanted to speak to you about what your son did to my darling boy." The other man gave a snort and said "what my son did? That Potter brat broke my boy's arm and then had the gall to blackmail us for some letter? Perhaps you should tell Potter to stay out of adult business." Sirius had a retraining hand on his shoulder.
"So it's going to be like that," he said softly "you work in the Ministry correct?"
"Yes?" The man replied confused.
"Did you know that the minister and I happened to be good friends? It would be a shame if I told him that you were mouthing off about the Ministry hmm? Or perhaps I could tell him that you stole important documents? The reason doesn't really matter," looking at Sirius he said "Azkaban is nice this time of year isn't it?" He watched Sirius give a feral smile and say "oh yes. Winter is the breeding season for dementors. Sometimes it gets so cold, your toes fall off!" By this point, McLaggen was slightly green.
"Please forgive my words, my Lords. They were ignorant and abrasive."
"Yes, I understand" Lucius said with a icy smile. He restarted the elevator and the other man got off as quickly as he could. Watching him go, he commented to Sirius "oh no, I forgot to tell him that I had Harry sell those loans to me. Unfortunately in this economy, I had to raise the interest 20%. What a shame" Sirius stared at him before laughing out loud. Lucius just gave him an innocent smile. No one messed with his family and got away with it.
Walking through the entrance of the Ministry, he saw a man carrying a stack of paperwork. Making a split second decision, he called out "hello Arthur!" The head of the Weasley family looked at him warily.
"Hello Lucius. Oh hello Sirius! How are you doing?" Arthur asked the other man, looking him over.
"I'm doing well, thank you Arthur!" Lucius cleared his throat and said "I want to thank you on behalf of my sons. They both loved the sweaters your wife knitted them. Narcissa thought it was a shame she wasn't gifted enough to knit." Arthur didn't look convinced but said "if she's interested, I'm sure Molly wouldn't mind teaching her. She taught the Diggory boy down the road."
"How wonderful! I don't know if your son said anything but Draco wanted to get together before the winter break ended. Perhaps Ron could come to the manor?" Arthur looked befuddled as he muttered something about asking his wife and excused himself.
"Lucius, you know Arthur doesn't like you right?" Sirius felt obligated to ask.
"For now, my friend. I'll win him over soon enough. Imagine Dumbledore's face when he finds out I stole one of his loyal lap dogs." He replied with a smug grin.


Ron ran down the stairs. Draco had sent him a letter inviting him to his house for an emergency meeting! He couldn't wait. The last meeting had been a hit. Ron found out that he had a talent in sewing. He was currently working on making ties for Draco's peacocks. It was a little tricky but he was determined to help his new friend. The twins were at the table whispering between themselves as his parents did the same.
"Mum! Draco invited me over tomorrow. Can I go?"
"Oi! Why'd Malfoy invite you? We were the ones who told him his wife was in trouble." Fred said.
He gave him a satisfied look and said "can't tell you, it's a secret." The twins hated secrets. Probably because they had so many. The twins shared a look and they launched themselves over the table. They grabbed his arms and held him down.
"Let me go!" He yelled.
"Not until you tell us why Malfoy invited you over!"
"I'll never tell!" Ron wasn't going to betray the club's trust. Herm took her position as Vice-President very seriously and she told the boys that she would have them "swim with the fishes" whatever that meant. Ron wasn't afraid of fish but he wasn't going to tell her that.
"Herm will literally murder me! I'm pretty sure she was the one who told Draco to use Dobby as an assassin!" As soon as he mentioned Herm, the twins got off him.
"Well I guess if Herm thinks so-" George started.
"Then we won't ask again." Fred finished as they got off him. Ron knew it! The twins were just as afraid of Herm as he was!
"Boys! Stop fighting!" His mum snapped. Ron thought it was kind of late for that but didn't say anything.
"Now what were you saying, Ronnie?" His mum never seemed to hear him. He knew the twins and Percy dealt with the same problem.
"Draco invited me over tomorrow, can I go?" He repeated.
"No." His dad intervened. He turned to stare at him. His dad never intervened.
"What? Why not?"
"Because Malfoy is up to something and I won't have you involved." That made no sense! He wasn't going there to see Mr. Malfoy. By this point, Percy had joined them at the table.
"Oh Ron! You're going to the Malfoy's? Is Herm going to be there? Will you pass along my letter? I had a thought that I just had to share!" Percy tended to go on tangents but he finally found someone who could keep up!
"Ron is not going to the Malfoy's." Their dad repeated.
"Why not dad? Herm said they called an emergency meeting?" Percy asked, his brows pushed together.
"Herm told you that?"
"She just mentioned that she was going to Malfoy Manor and to pass my letter to you so Errol had a break." Percy rolled his eyes. Ron gave a sigh of relief. He would hate to tell Draco that Herm had broken his trust and blabbed about the club.
"Dad, I finally have friends! Please can I go? Neville is going!" His mum put a hand on his dad's shoulder and said "let him go, dear." His dad sighed before agreeing reluctantly. Ron gave a whoop and ran upstairs to tell Draco. He couldn't wait for the second meeting of the Harry Fan Club!

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