87. Go Time

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'Go time.' Neely remarked getting dressed. One last kiss. Just in case before they headed out.

The Dothraki army was at the front and their swords flaming to life could be seen from the wall all of them burning to life a field fire it was beautiful and glorious empowered them. They were going to win this they had to win this. Everyone stood like statues waiting for the enemy to attack no one spoke all you could hear was the wind whipping through the air and the ragged breaths of terrified people.

'The night king is coming' Jon said to Daenerys.

'The army of the dead are already here' she told him marching away. It was time.

'Move your asses!' Neely shouted pulling herself up on Rhaegal.

As the screeching in the moaning of the army of the dead got closer everyone tighten the grips on their weapons preparing themselves for what was to come. They couldn't see anything they just heard the noise getting louder and louder and louder until finally they saw them thousands and thousands of them all charging at them killing them tearing apart limb from limb taking them down one by one. It was a stampede of white walkers as they marched past as they Trampled over the unsullied army things look bleak that was until Daenerys and Deaneel came on their dragons blasting fire down raining fire down upon them. Neely guided Rhaegal to the army of the dead burning them to pieces, burning them to nothing but Ash.

'Open the gates! Fall back!' It was a very bleak battle on the ground, one they didn't know if they could survive the Dothraki and the unsullied stood their ground as the enemy got closer everyone else fell back to protect the castle.

The archers stood up top shooting flaming arrows down at the enemy, they were getting closer to Sandor but arya shot one in the head killing it. that was the second time arya could've let him die but this time she chose to save him.

'Light the trench! Light the trench!' Davos waved his torches back-and-forth alerting daenerys and Deaneel that now was the time to light the trench to protect the castle. But Davos continue to wave the torches but the sisters on their dragons could not see the little flame from above

'Like the trenches! Light the trenches!' he told the archers and they shot their flaming arrows at it but the fire fizzled out.

'Dracarus!" Neely shouted Rhaegal swooped to the night king, on Nevar's back. 'That's my baby you dick.' She shouted.

The red woman came forward putting her hands on the trench borders saying a prayer to the Lord of light to give them fire to protect them to save them arrows flew past her sword swung the enemy near closer she kept praying and praying and praying they got closer and closer and closer finally as when I was about to jump on her the whole trench lit a flame killing the enemy that ran into it. A circle of light of fire swarmed around Winterfell protecting them the flame was mirrored in their eyes as they watched the enemy burn.

Soon the first few rows of white walkers were laying themselves down on top of the trench putting out the fire with their bodies they were able to get through

'Man the walls! Man the walls!' They screamed as everyone went to a frenzy again.

Screams could be heard from the cyrpts. The white walkers were inside winterfell.


While arrows flew and swords swung on the ground, Rhaegal started attacking the night kings claimed dragon, Nevar wings flapping teeth snapping Neely had to hang on for dear life

The night king fell from Nevar and once on the ground Daenerys summoned fire from Drogon blazing the night king with fire it should've burned him to nothingness. Jon waited on the ground as Daenerys was in the air watching as the night king stood unharmed in the midst of the flames. The night king picked up his spear throwing it at Daenerys but missed just barely. Neely dropped to the ground she ran full speed at the night King until the night King stopped walking, Neely looked to jon and he slowed as well, confused. The night king turned to them raising his hand slowly up. Jon took off at a sprint again as all the fallen soldiers started to rise from the ground at the night kings command walking Jon's way. One grabbed Neelys leg and she chopped at it. All of their friends getting a second chance at life becoming one of the undead army they would have to kill their fallen friends as they marched, turned to walkers marching towards them a newfound vengeance in their eyes. But it wasn't just out on the battlefield that the new army was rising it was everywhere everyone that had fallen was now a white walker their army marched forward bigger and stronger than before.

'if he keeps bringing the dead back to life we are never going to win!" Neely shouted as Jorah came up behind her. 'We need to kill him.' She told him swinging her blade as she shouted over the screams. 'the fire didn't kill him.'


'Come on Clegane, we need you.' Beric told him.

'Fuck off we're not gonna win this' he said panting and leaning against the wall.

'Tell her that he,' beric pointed up at arya on the roof she was being cornered. Sandor took off after her.

Arya closed the door on the walkers thinking maybe she was safe but they came sprinting out at her. She ran. They chased. Sandor and beric walked cautiously berics sword on fire as they looked for arya. Arya was pushed to the ground. Walker on top of her. She screamed as beric and sandor got it off of her.

Arya looked at him skeptically from the ground he had just saved her life, the man she had left to die had saved her.

'Come on,' Sandor grumbled.

'We gotta go!' beric declared. Sandor and arya ran fighting walkers but beric was killed. Allowing them to escape.

'The lord brought him back for a purpose, now that purpose has been served.' the red woman said looking to Arya and Sandor.

'I know you,' Arya said looking her over

'And I know you.' The red woman confirmed.

'You said we would meet again' arya remembered.

'And here we are. At the end of the world.'

'What do we say to the god of death?' The red woman asked

'Not today' Arya replied


The crypts were no longer safe as the white walker slowly started to dig their way in screams ran it rang out the enemy was here.

Hiding. Hiding as the walkers came and attacked their friends. Killed their friends. Hiding behind a crypt. Tyrion looked to Sansa. A tear rolled down her cheek. Sansa offered him a small smile and he nodded nervously.


'Theon' bran said. 'You're a good man. Thank you.' The night king took a step forward and theon charged at him spear ready but the night king was quick stabbing theon through the stomach. He fell to his knees before falling completely to the ground.

Bran and the night king stared each other down silently.

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